Comments by "john" (@Pistolita221) on "The Evil CEO That Elon Musk Is Copying | The Class Room ft. @FDSignifire" video.

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  5.  @Krill_all_health_insuranceCEOs  Right? Imo, the cultural divide seems to be the right wing pundits (bourgeoise to the left, globalists to the right, aristocrats historically) intentionally misattributing symptoms of the oligarchy's mismanagement. Like, they're worried about the kids but they can't accept that it's guns or a mental health crisis so they go after whatever new cultural phenomena is the least understood. It's not climate change causing supply chain issues, it's the CHINESE. It's not corporations raising prices when inflation makes headlines to give them excuses to raise prices EVEN MORE, it's government interference. I think a major issue is that while we do have mostly aligned economic interests, the difference in lifestyles between rural and city, and language divides make it more difficult to reach across to them. The left needs to go there and just listen for a while, and then work WITH the rural folks on policy they'd support, rather than coming in and being prescriptive from the beginning and running the risk of appearing patronizing. It is a weird situation, indeed. Civilization has gotten SO ridiculously complex. Our financial system is so complex, no one knows how it works, so they can't effectively reform it. I find the foreign influence is a better argument to convince conservatives to nationalize major corporations. Why would the USA leave essential infrastructure like information and electricity open to Chinese or other Eastern interference via buying controlling interest in companies. Major institutions that make the world run are not known, like DTCC and ASML, probably the 2 most powerful companies in the world. Individually, they are more powerful than the entire Business Roundtable.
  6.  @Krill_all_health_insuranceCEOs  I also just want to point out how weird it is conservatives are always talking about someone else's junk. I cannot comprehend how a group that's actually sex-averse can be so obsessed with what other people do in the bedroom. Whenever they bring it up, I always say "#1 freedom, and #2, really weird, why do you want to make me talk about someone elses sex life/identity, who isn't even in the room? it's creepy and voyeuristic." it shuts down the conversation real quick, and puts the pressure on them to justify themselves, but internally. It's actually quite accusatory, while remaining polite and you're taking yourself the moral high ground, even from their perspective. You can throw in some bible verses about not judging, for effect. lol, make them contend with their own script. Or maybe not you, but the left should as a rhetorical tactic, generally. Cause the bible should be our ally in this. The protestants who founded this country laid the ideological groundwork for Karl Marx, I shit you not. They came up with the concept of a classless, moneyless society. The USA was one of if not the first secular state. The USA was founded because they wanted to give out free land. Peasants didn't pay to live on land until enclosure began, and it really came to a head around the late 16th/early17th century in Brittan, there were something like 5 peasant rebellions against the commoditization of land, and Protestants took up the cause, and the catholics and episcopals opposed it. America was founded on proto-socialism. Socialists are actually the most american. The USA kept giving out free land until 1976, with the creation of the Bureau of Land Management, and the US middle class has been sliding backwards ever since. 'Atun-Shei Films: In Defense of Puritanism' he's a history major with an emphasis on the founding of the country-civil war. He's also got a bibliography in the description.
  7.  @Krill_all_health_insuranceCEOs  Yeah, it does seem like we're moving backwards, especially on womens and LGBTQ+ issues. But the conservatives seem like they want it in name only, because those conservative states are flipping blue, cause bodily autonomy isn't a joke. Kansas turned blue, MI is straight blue, Wisconsin is blue. I have a feeling republicans overplayed their hand. The republican front-runner could be in prison by the time of the election. Fox is getting sued by Dominion, Proud Boys are a terrorist organization. I think the fed is responding, finally. We will likely see the republican party implode and disappear. They're torn between the financial backers, and the populist MAGA base who are actually more misinformed socialists with right wing social policies than actual fiscal conservatives, which is the main goal of the orthodox republicans. I think we have a small number of proper fascists, and a lot of disaffected country folk who don't understand the modern logistics and governance, so they reject the entire concept of modernity and attempt to return to tradition, but those espousing the 'return to tradition' are actually just con-men hired by the oligarchs. I see most conservatives as overwhelmed by the rapid change (more change in 35 years than from the founding of Sumeria, 9,000 years ago, until the founding of the nation) which is understandable. I don't think any group is adapting well to this change. Because they can't control how they react to the changes, they try to stop the changes around them, instead. That doesn't mean that they're all reachable, or that there aren't some genuine fascists, but I think this describes a significant portion of those who appear fascist. Indeed we do, but I'm hopeful. Republicans are tearing each other apart. TY, I was going to say the same to you. I've been really enjoying your well-reasoned replies. I just wish this sort of conversation was in the main-stream consciousness of leftist/socialist/progressive politics. I didn't respond for a few days because I wasn't sure if you were going to write a second response before my reply, or if you wanted to wait until after.