Comments by "Curious Crow" (@CuriousCrow-mp4cx) on "King Donald should take a lesson from King Canute" video.

  1. You as a pilot are not the norm. The vast majority of people have no idea of Crew Resource Management. yes, I watch Mentour Pilot's videos as well, so I know that certain personalities increase the risk of accidents and deaths in the workplace. Most professionals in risk critical professions would know that, because their professions have learned from the tragic lessons of the airline industry. But most of your passengers don't have a scooby doo. Culturally, socially, and psychologically, they have no idea of the active effort needed to keep them safe. That's why certain passengers are rude, get drunk, are aggressive, complain about having to wear seat belts, and still attempt to smoke in the toilets, all while in a thin metal tube in the sky... They don't realise what could go wrong until it does, because they don't see the effort, or look under the hood until things go wrong. Government is another thin metal tube in a different context. Effective government should work to keep things working so that everyone else can live effective and productive lives. And we don't pay attention to that until it doesn't. Now, that also applies to people who think they know better, or are impatient with checks and balances, or just want what they want, and to hell with the consequences. And when you let the lunatics take over the asylum, you get chaos. You get destruction. Reality is a harsh mistress. Bury your head in the sand for whatever reason and she'll kick what's above ground until you pay attention to her. And the temptation is always there, and becomes acute when things don't work as they should. And nobody is immune to this, because it's the way our brains evolved. Taking shortcuts, limiting input, and biases all save limited processing power. The best of us learn to think and pay attention, and not rely solely on our fears and anxieties to solve problems, but to think their way through important issues. But it's hard to pay attention to the issues of 300 million people, so we delegate that tho state and federal government, and if they're distracted by perverse incentives, flattery, or folly, the Swiss Cheese Model explains what happens because of poor communication, neglect, or folly. When things start to go wrong, there's always going to be some bright spark to game the system, or to abuse it, especially where there's money to be made. And deals are done, and life goes on. Until it doesn't. Everything now in the Trump administration is designed to distract or deflect from the real task of Trump and his acolytes, which is to raid the cookie jar. And Trump is only the gateway drug to that. We are living in a dark experiment where our millionaires and billionaires have taken over the plane and are pushing the envelope of how much they can squeeze our of it. And they're wearing parachutes, but everyone else is not so lucky. And, there will be others after Trump, who will try harder to break the system for their own gain. Until we pull our heads out of the sand, and take democracy seriously again. It's like a garden. You might employ contractors to look after it, but you have to get professionals in and refuse to hire cowboys. Stop voting for people you wouldn't lend money to, or let them give your pretty daughter a lift home. Stop settling for less. Demand the best, or get the worst.