Comments by "Curious Crow" (@CuriousCrow-mp4cx) on "Lord Keynes told us in 1941 how to pay for defence We should follow his advice." video.
@TheGalifrey Respectfully, you are incorrect. The EU is our biggest trading partner. Spending it on shared projects means technology and resource sharing, which makes up for the loss of capacity and expertise caused by nearly 2 decades of Austerity. If we go it alone, it takes longer, costs more, and keeps us away from technological R & D we could get access to, which is counter-productive, as well as earnings. It would stop the rot of austerity turning to an incurable cancer, limiting growth in our economy forever, because it would allow is to rebuild capacity in production and R & D quickly. We haven't got the time to be precious about it. Everyday we mess about, the fundamental factors that can improve the welfare of our our people are being eroded by the folly of Brexit, and our inability to curb human greed. We don't have time to be precious.
@PatrickMcLaughlin-ji4rb Sorry, but you don't understand logic. Logic is the means to process information, and it doesn't not control the accuracy, validity, Iegitimacy of the information processed. Hence, the computer science acronym of GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out.
Logic doesn't care whether the inputs are objective, measurable truths, or subjective, qualiative truths, like morality. Or lies and falsehoods. Therefore, behind every atrocity in human history there was logic...
So, such misapprehension create the inability to grasp with the reality that we're in a Post-truth populist era, because people don't understand logic, and how amenable it is to both good and evil. It is an amoral, mechanical process of processing assumptions. So GIGO applies.
That why Steve Bannon strategically argues for "flooding the zone" with 💩as to override logic with untruth, to deny, to distract, to neuter both "rational" logic and 'moral' logic, which are not the same. Rational logic relies on objective, empirically proven truths as inputs, but Moral logic relies on subjective, unprovable truths, that can only be qualiatively and subjectively experienced. The logic of the greedy vs the logic of the moral is a choice, a subjective one, and thus falls into the realm of belief. Not facts. Ideology. These can only be argued for, and the inputs, the premises, the assumptions, can be manipulated. But what else are rich people doing but trying to reshape our reality? Hence, we need to be more sceptical about rich people knowing what's best for people who aren't rich. We need to stop loving and admiring them. We need to see them as ordinary people and not heros or gods. Americans have that blindspot, and it keeps hurting them. We should take that beam out of our own eyes. And see them as they are.