Comments by "Curious Crow" (@CuriousCrow-mp4cx) on "Reform wants to destroy the UK by destroying its money and its economy" video.
Based in these economic policies, Reform UK are economically illiterate. Anyone who wants to investigate the Gold Standard Crisis in the 1920s, read "England's Cross of Gold" by James Ashley Morrison published in 2020. The Reform UK party are economically and politically blind to sell out Great Britain to the highest bidder by replicating mistakes of the past. We should not let them. They don't have the best interests of the asset limited, Income-limited people reliant on wages at heart. Not by a long chalk. They imagine themselves to be the new nobility of a completely privatised state cometely dominated billionaires and trillionaires. Not democratic control, but corporate control of every dimension of life, because the plutocrats will own and control it all, and democracy will be surplus to requirements,along with humanist values like rights for those who are not asset wealthy. They are not nationalists, because power will be wielded only by the plutoctrats who will run the state like regional corporations like the city states in medieval Italy. And we know how that worked out for the Italians. Don't trust them. If you think what we have now cannot get worse, you haven't seen the worse, or understand that this has been tried before. Remember, their wet dream is to rule not with human interventions, but with machines. Thus they will allow excess humans, surplus to need to die, or be killed in the turf wars that will follow as a consequence of them taking power. Don't give in to them.