Comments by "Curious Crow" (@CuriousCrow-mp4cx) on "Trump is breaking everything we think we know, so this is the moment to plan a better future" video.

  1. If the rational part of the human brain is a duvet cover protecting a larger mass of emotions, memories, and survival instincts, the mere existence of the cover is not enough to keep the duvet underneath from getting twisted up. Thus Alexis de Tocqueville argued that people feel more than they think. If the brain was a set of siblings, the prefrontal cortex is the baby of the family, and easily overridden by the older siblings in evolutionary terms. That's how it goes. So we need a cultural change in how we manage that. We need to go slower, not faster. We have to accept that facts are not always objective, and that things that can't be measured matter too. We have to educate people for life and not just work, and teach them not only how their brain works, but it's shortcomings too; how to reason, and how to manage their emotions. We've been so busy striving to get rich, that we did not know we were impoverishing ourselves at the same time. If people were taught the power of an experimental mindset, we would be less prone to being deceived by our biases, and we would be better off and happier too. Of course, this is a ideal wishlist. Nobody in power is going to adopt that. But there is nothing stopping the bottom up doing for themselves, because peace of mind in the midst of uncertainty, is true wealth. But at the same time accountability must be at the centre of our collective systems. We are, after all, stewards for thise that will come after us. We can satisfy our needs and wants in the present, but not at the expense of the future. So, we must see and think of ourselves differently. Because if we don't, they're are those like Musk, Thiel, and Trump etc., that want to do the thinking for us. And the fruit of that tree is bitter.