Comments by "Curious Crow" (@CuriousCrow-mp4cx) on "It’s not clear what political space the UK’s Tories now want to occupy" video.
What gets me is that the remaining rump of the Tory Party *hasn't* got anyone with a functioning, pragmatic political *brain cell* left. It's just full of entitled wannabes with no original thinkers among them, utterly lacking in self-awareness or strategy. They are the British elite *malaise incarnate**, filling a void in our politics that exists because of the decline in **institutional* trust.
Kemi Badenoch is nothing but a *war hammer in search of any war* to remain relevant. She is not a pragmatic *politician**, and her ideology is **suspiciously convenient**, suiting the ends of those who employed her as a wrecking tool. But after you've knocked down everything there is to be knocked down, **what use are you?* Kemi Badenoch is *clueless* about what should actually replace her targets. She is *clueless* about solutions to address the immediate political and economic problems that the majority of voters *prioritize**—not the minority who **fantasize about being* Bane or The Joker, destroying Gotham City for its sins, yet who *fail to grasp* the realities beyond comic book metaphors.
She's pretty good at knocking things down, but seems to have no interest in *fixing* them, repairing, or rebuilding the damage. While she might *see herself* as a virtuous destroyer, she lacks the capacity to *envision* or communicate a meaningful future for the country.
(In that, Kemi and Keir are in *the* same boat—*neither steering it themselves, but instead following a course set by others* who have no long-term vision that the British people as a whole can get behind. That is not the plan. The plan is to drive forward their own political and economic agenda. And consent for that has to be manufactured. And Kemi and Keir are tools to do that. Indeed, between Keir and Kemi, there is only a choice of **soft or hard technocracy**. Britain is not being led—it's being managed, and the inequality driving institutional distrust among the public is being left relatively undisturbed.)