Comments by "Curious Crow" (@CuriousCrow-mp4cx) on "DeepSeek is not just shaking up AI – it’s also shaking up US capitalism" video.
Free market capitalism makes no such claim. All it claims it that the winners win,whether the world benefits from that or not. In that framework, the market can then reject any product by simply not buying it. Of course, free market capitalism is unrealistic, because it disregards human nature, which is a fundamental flaw when people make up markets. Capitalism ultimately harnesses greed and fear - two emotions that helped us to survive, but are problematic in civilisation. Ignoring that fact, has led us to this messy time of ideological cul de sacs created for the benefit of the asset wealthy to excuse their failings, and prevent having to pay for the consequences. Of course, they want to persuade us that this is ok, whilst we get poorer and our children and grand children get even poorer.
Even ChatGPT4 acknowledges that, but it should be noted that actual or potential superpowers tend to throw their actual or implied weight around. So, the UK needs to start thinking for itself again, (i.e. Bulk up) because if the Trumpettes have their way, it will be all stick and no carrot. Indeed, an examination of the post-WWII debate between British and American economists on the future of the global economy was the last time Britain had a chance to shape things on a global scale, and the Americans gave them the bird. J. Maynard Keynes wanted an international currency union, with an international credit the Bancor, being used for international transactions. The Americans would have none of that. The wanted everyone to be dependent upon USD, and that's what happened. Looking from that perspective to now, the present rumblings in the global financial system are unsurprising. 'With great power comes great responsibility.' But people get bored too easily.