Comments by "CaptainVanisher" (@captainvanisher988) on "TAKASHii" channel.

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  33. Great video, bringing into light one of the biggest problems that the Westernized countries are facing, which are birth rates. Japan is already starting to feel the consequences and the next 3 decades it will only get worse. My analysis is this: Very few of the factors listed are actually correspondent to reality. The two main factors for low birth rates all over the Westernized world are: 1. Women's emancipation 2. Materialism Materialism is an easy diagnosis when you start actually listening to people that don't have kids or unmarried. The mere fact that so many people say "economic issues" when they live in one of the best eras economically for the average earner shows just that. In reality, the average earning couple can comfortably raise 3-4 children if not more. It's just that we have become so materialistic that many believe that children should be raised with everything they want and more. As for women's emancipation. I think it's self evident. Women prioritize career over finding a husband and creating a family. Women even after married refuse to downgrade or let go of their career in order to have children. Women have risen through the economic ranks and that combined with their natural instinct of hypergamy has caused the qualifying dating age men pool to shrink immensely. As for many points raised like immigration. It doesn't work. It only postpones the consequences for a few years. The old guy's points were also kinda off considering Germany has some of the lowest birth rates in Europe even after allowing millions in mass immigration inside their country and the US is only staying afloat because of continuous mass immigration (illegal or not) and there are still a few strong religious communities where they have big families. But even the Us is under the replacement rate and that says a lot.
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  89.  @obitouchiha6439  Social theocracy can 100% exist. Public humiliation and shaming tactics have always been the main core of religious punishment and not legal means through the past centuries in Christian countries. Marriage was never an institution prior to Christianity. At least not in the sense of how it was codified in law in Western countries and how the rest of the westernized world (Japan, South Korea etc) adopted it. It was a Christian institution, hence why it was purely monogamous and hence why the grounds for divorce were adultery and severe abuse only. The only 2 instances where the Bible allows divorce. Since then the government has fully hijacked the institution and made it into a clown show. Marriage, family and relationships are at their lowest point in the history of the West and I don't think anyone can disagree with this statement. "since they won't be subject to arrest or imprisonment for making life choices that don't align with a religious doctrine". My issue is not people living non religiously or having non religious lifestyles, my issue is normalizing those lifestyles and showing them publicly and glorifying them. Example: Do I believe people that have homosexual relationships should be locked up for it? No. Do I believe that these same people should be able to show off their lifestyle to children or in public? Nope, I don't. Bitterness? Maybe at the modern liberal globalist government but even then I have come to an understanding that I cannot do much about other than to sit back take care of myself and my family whilst everything goes down and gets destroyed. The West's days are numbered if we keep going this trajectory. And yes westernized countries like Japan are included in this.
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  95.  @M_SID21  This is an old comment but here you go. I use average as median although it's probably not the same. Median is a better indicator. Here's the median japanese monthly salary pretaxes : 471,000 JPY (3,470 USD). Which aligns with what I wrote aka 2300 USD after taxes. Now again studying statistics and actually having the IQ to discern what's real and what's not are two very different things. I am currently studying one of the toughest engineering degrees you can find and I had to learn very high level math to get into my uni. I understand statistics very well and statistics don't lie, people lie. I brought statistics before you, I didn't just state a mere opinion. Greece is paying for the price of corruption, socialism and EU expansionism. Our politicians were corrupt which is half of the reason for our financial ruin, the other half is that our citizens got comfortable with the idea of extended welfare and pay outs and government spending. But after financial ruin was achieved EU came to the rescue. Oh wait, they didn't. They actually did everything to benefit themselves. Greece became a puppet state which was ruled by Germany and France AND the euro was prevented from falling behind the dollar and the pound. You think they "paid" to save us? They paid to save their as*es and they expect every penny back with a decent interest on top. I can attest you that I'd prefer for our generations to suffer twice as much and our country to be rebuilt in the next 20-30 years than have EU "bail us out" and be an EU puppet state for the next century.
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  101.  @skyak4493  How do you disagree with my interpretation? How can Japan improve by adopting clearly failed policies that Germany and the Us implemented? Germany is still a country with one of the lowest birth rates in Europe. Even after importing millions of immigrants and problems. The architect of that importation Angela Merkel has even admitted that it was a mistake. German people know it was a mistake hence why they are voting for AfD. The Us is a crumbling society. Their corruption is so high that they went as far as to rig an election. Their economy is failing, their foreign policy is failing, their army is failing and they are more divided than ever before. They also imported the world's migrants and even millions of illegal ones and how is that working for them? Even higher crime rates? Drug and human trafficking? If Japan adopted an open borders policies it would even be a worse failure than Germany and Sweden. It would be socially and economically devastating. Most highly homogenous countries are aversed to outsiders because it's culturally devastating when they are not. Sweden was a prime example. The most immigrant friendly country failed to support the hundreds of thousands of migrants that came in during the EU migrant crisis and now they have closed borders and a bunch of problems steming from these batches of migrants. Immigration can only be beneficial if it's highly selective and only allowed for people willing to fully assimilate. As for your last points. Yes they are true. Japan failed to address the cultural issue that has driven them to population decline and so has most of the modern world.
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  105.  @AidanK_ART  So here's a lengthy but explanatory rant (I will answer all your questions): Men and women are different. Men view sex differently than women. Most men can differentiate emotions and physicality in sex. Women can't for the most part. Which is why cheating is not viewed the same. Women when they cheat, they cheat emotionally, mentally, physically and even socially. Men usually cheat solely physically. You can even trace that underlying thought process in these women that understand male nature. They'd allow their man using a prostitute because that means it's not emotional cheating therefore they're not afraid that their man will get stolen from them. Now on why men would do such a thing. Well you have to understand male and female sexual instinct and libido. It's well known that men have far higher libido than women, but even so. You might ask: If the woman gives the man sex very frequently why would he go use a prostitute and not his wife? It's because of the male sexual strategy. Men instinctually want to spread their seed aka men look for quantity of women. A man can have multiple wives that he can love the same, a woman cannot. Hence why there is a historical precedence of men being allowed to have multiple wives whilst the opposite was always punished. The female sexual strategy is called hypergamy. What does that mean? That women seek the man that can lead them, provide for them, protect them, be their emotional rock etc. That all amounts to a man that is superior to them in tangible assets as well as mental assets. Why did that instinct evolve to that point? Well for multiple factors. Women needed a man capable to protect them from physical threats. A man capable to provide for them when they are in a vulnerable state. A man that will allow their woman to vent to him and provide a solution with a calm mind. A man that could lead them out of tough situations. Those were all death or life traits that a woman needed from a man. So getting the man that is the BEST at all, would be ideal. It all comes down to biology. There are other biological reasons as to why men are built for polygyny whilst women are not built for polyandry. Such STI vulnerability, ability to reproduce at mass scales etc. What you need to understand though is even if Japanese or other men from other cultures "cheat" physically, they still go home to their wife. They still love their wife and will never leave her. The betrayal would be to have a second relationship or leave them. And that's how it is in most of the world. In islamic countries men can have up to 4 wives however they cannot have intercourse outside marriage. So it depends on the region and culture. I am from Greece so societally we're close to you Russians. Your values were based upon Orthodox Christianity. So what happened in our societies is vastly different. Christianity pretty much invented the concepted of forced male monogamy. Men were NOT monogamous prior to Christianity. And although a very tough thing for many men to follow, it's the best for society as a whole. Because that means everyone gets paired and has a family and children and a happy marriage. HOWEVER, that also came with other criteria that were to be followed which now are not. Hence why we have extremely low fertility rates, high suicide and depression rates and most people are lonely. Whilst in our Christian societies we still uphold the restrictions on the male sexual strategy (polygyny and quantity of women),we do not uphold the restrictions on the FEMALE sexual strategy. Meaning that women now choose who they mate with. That's a huge issue, because hypergamy will cloud their judgement and for the most part we know women are not good at finding the best man for their future. In our society, it used to be the father finds a few good picks for his daughter and sometimes the daughter could choose who she liked the most from these highly vetted picks or sometimes she couldn't. However, before she could date/marry a guy, the father had to approve or she was disowned. And that's a good way to do things because the father always knows who the bad men are and who the tricksters are. And since he is a part of the decision he also has authority over the relationship. Meaning that if the man was deceiving, he would face harsh consequences. Now fathers are barely present and have barely any authority on who their daughter dates or marries. It's more so pronounced in Greece but I think it's also highly the case in Russia. So the dating market and relationships are utterly f*cked.
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  119.  @astrayblackcat  I use the word "cheating" for the Westerners to understand. I don't know what part of Japan you are in. But in most rural parts women are not allowed to cheat. Maybe in Tokyo or other metropolitan areas. However I will suggest you this: Why are relationships in Japan at an all time low? Why are divorce rates so high? Allowing women sexual freedom and not being "archaic" has a part in that. Although you say you are not like the West, you clearly are because you adopted the feminist mindset. And believe me, in the West they cheat a lot. What many Japanese men fail to understand is female nature. Women get attached to the person they have sex with and it is an important part of their emotional bond. I don't know if you've dated a virgin woman compared to one who has slept with a lot of men, but the difference is stark after you have sex with a virgin woman or a woman with low prior sexual partners. The more men a woman sleeps with, the more she loses that ability of emotional bonding through sex. The more sexual partners she has, the more likely she is to divorce you/break up with you. It's also cuckoldry. A man allowing his woman to sleep with other men was and is considered cuckoldry from most men. And unless you're into NTR I don't see how this can work. That equality thing that modern people even in Japan think is good, is really not. We tried it in the West for decades now. We are almost destroyed as former empires. Japan is following the trend. No loyal wives, no children. More feminism and working women, less wages for the family and time for kids. So less kids. Less kids, less future taxes and work force. Less future taxes and work force, societal collapse.
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  121.  @MrMsLisa  Absolute garbage. Women nowadays are unhappy because they can't form true relationships. I am not saying we should, I am saying what is. Women are happier when decisions like mate selection were left up to their fathers. Hence why arranged marriages work far more often and women are happier at those. It's also a fact that women that marry their first sexual partner have more successful and happier marriages. Yes I am saying that most women derrive happiness from dealing with people (scientific fact) and not work. And what is better for them than dealing with people? Dealing with their favorite people aka their family. Most women would be far happier searching for a husband and making a family that wasting their life working and taking anti depressants at their 40s because they are lonely. So the best option is to push a culture of women staying home and having a priority on building a family and finding a husband instead of a career. We should also push for fathers to be active on their daughter's mate selection. Women are terrible mate selectors, hence why we see so many divorces, out of wedlock children, women losing their virginity to random guys that will never marry them etc. I am not advocating for complete removal of women's emancipation, I am advocating for an enormous cultural shift away from women being in the work force and towards women having families. Day cares and parental leaves won't help people fix their mindsets. Hence why it doesn't work in fixing birth rates.
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