Youtube activity of "Justice Warrior" (@justicewarrior9187) on "The Infographics Show" channel.
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Comments by video
"50 Insane Facts About North Korea You Didn't Know"
"A Day in the Life of North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un"
"America's Strangest Serial Killer - Ed Gein (The Butcher of Plainfield)"
"Apple vs Samsung - Which Is Bigger?"
"British MI6 vs US CIA - What's the Difference and How Do They Compare?"
"Crazy Ideas That Made Their Inventors Millionaires"
"How Did An F-35 Fighter Jet Vanish?"
"How Much Does the World Cup Cost?"
"Insurance Explained - How Do Insurance Companies Make Money and How Do They Work"
"Is The Human Max Age 122?"
"Is Vladimir Putin the Richest Man Alive?"
"Japan's Population Problem"
"Man Eats Everything From Human Flesh To Live Eels"
"Man Grows Tumor With Teeth Inside Testicles"
"Man Receives Highest Dose of Nuclear Radiation - This Is What Happened To Him"
"Man So Violent Even Other Prisoners Fear Him"
"Most Expensive Things In The World Part 2"
"Most Wanted Americans by Interpol in 2018"
"NATO vs BRICS - What's The Difference u0026 How Do They Compare?"
"Next Generation Stealth Bomber: B-21 Raider (What Do We Know About It?)"
"Places On Earth Where You Aren't Allowed To Die"
"Prison is Horrible But Not For the Reason You Think"
"Scientists Are Freaking Out Over Skyscraper Sized Waves"
"So I went looking for NORTH KOREAN websites and found THIS..."
"Somebody Is Watching You Right Now"
"Spend $1 Billion Dollars In 24 Hours or LOSE IT ALL - CHALLENGE"
"The Golden State Killer - What Do We Know About Him? Californian Serial Killer"
"The Island Where Everybody Earns OVER $2 million"
"The Most Evil Person in the World - The Bikini Killer"
"The White Death - The Best Sniper Known To Man"
"This Man Spent 43 Years In Isolation - How Long Until A Person Goes Crazy?"
"What Actually Happens in the Bermuda Triangle - Mystery Revealed"
"What Makes Black Ops The World’s Most Dangerous Soldiers?"
"Which Are the Poorest Countries in the World?"
"Which Countries Are Still Truly Communist?"
"Who Actually Runs North Korea?"
"Who Is A Perfect Person?"
"Why Are People In Venezuela Starving (Hyperinflation Explained)?"
"Why Does Each US Air Force Pilot Helmet Cost $400,000?"
"Why Doing This Will Get You A+ On All Your School Exams"
"Why Living On A Submarine Sucks"
"Why Would a Scientist Inject Himself with 3.5 Million Year Old Bacteria?"
"Why You Wouldn't Survive A Town Full of Ants"
"Woman Ignites a Stick of Dynamite While Trying to Light a Candle During a Blackout"
"Would Mexico Be Able To Fight Off USA?"