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The CJ Werleman Show
Comments by "Mohammed" (@Mohammed-dy6xb) on "The CJ Werleman Show" channel.
WOW really. !! How inspiring !!
Why are Hindus outside of India silent my friend ! If they're against Hindutwa why don't they make it crystal clear!!
@AeliusCaesar Its people like YOU who are a mockery because this is the best you can come up with lol Try again but put some effort into it this time !!
@TheCJWerlemanShow You are most welcome !!
@usman5140 Who is our voice ??
The Arab rulers do not represent Muslims and Islam they represent themselves !! Thank you Mr. Welerman for speaking up for Islam and Muslims unlike our so called Muslim leaders !! A true voice for the voiceless!!
Thank you Mr. Welerman....... One question ❓❓❓ When will it be YOUR turn to revert back to Islam ??? God bless you and your family ❣️
I'm also praying for you and your family Mr Welerman !! The fact you're in OUR corner and basically you are our VOICE I've got nothing but respect for you!! May Allah SWT bless you and open your heart ❤️ to the Truth !! You are already there .....just the declaration of fath is left !! Even if you become Muslim noone needs to know... ONLY GOD 💎💎💎💎
@Y.A.E. Yes it probably did !! As Muslims we also believe in the Gospels and the ORIGINAL uncorrupted Bible !!
What a sick and twisted people and society !! And the US/UK of Israel are not only silent but complicit too !!
L3 things Israel doesn't want us to know...... 1 They are A TERRORIST state 2. They hate ALL non Zionists 3. They play by their own rules not everyone else's !! Thank you for speaking out for Islam and Muslims, a true voice for the voiceless. !? May God bless you and your family !! FREE PALESTINE ❤️
Mr. Welerman..... You are a breath of fresh air ☀️ ALL those resources to destroy the image of Islam and it is STILL the fastest growing religion in the world 🌍
@ToHimWeWillBeReturned You mean the Scholars of Israel !!
@abcd-hj8kc I did have to !! I'm from Pakistan I'm 56 years old and have NEVER seen anything dome to Hindus OR temples !! In fact Imran khan said NOONE is to harm a SINGLE Hindu or their places of worship ! Like I said I've never seen a single Hindu being attacked in my lifetime
Hpw can Americans hate....... Isreali Secret Intelligence Ser ices !!! Arent the US and Isreal BEST FRIENDS ?
@LearnWithVikram7 Pakistan doesn't occupy ANY Hindu majority states and oppress the people there ! Maybe you should take some of your own advice
The more they attack Islam..... the faster it grows !!
It's clear the UAE is NOT run by MUSLIMS but Zionists ...... just like Bahrain Saudia Arabia and Jordan !! Thank you Mr. Welerman for your amazing journalism. !!
Mr. Welerman...... you are a breath of fresh air ☀️ Everything you say is the TRUTH and I commend you for it !! May Allah SWT bless you and your family!! AMEEN
@LearnWithVikram7 Find out what Islam says about The Grave and what happens when you end up there !! Try telling The Angels who will question you.. " It was ALL Pakistani propoganda " And see what happens ok !! Brave Brave Hindus of India
@jakestablettableto9453 obviously you are very ignorant by the looks of it !! EVERYTHING Prophet Mohammed PBUH did was ordained by Almighty GOD !! If you're trying to be clever and pollute the minds of people know this....... . Islam is THE fastest growing religion in the world and people like you can NOT do anything about it !! Those who are sensible and sincere in finding out the Truth study the life of the Prophet PBUH and then make a judgement or ...... Someone like you will come out with a pathetic comment !!
Salafi and ZIONISM hand in hand !! The veil has been lifted. !!
@LearnWithVikram7 like I said... See you on Judgment Day !! Wel talk then ok
Watch ....... Occult Zionism Hell on earth !! Its far far worse than you think !!
The Quran clearly states the Jews will be gathered in ONE location and it's happening right before our eyes 👀 !!
Let them censor and block the Truth for it will always find a way !! Nothing can stop God's Punishment for Isreel and India !!
The Israelis are getting really really desperate with their fake photos !!
India is in bed with Isreal and we ALL know who controls social media right !! This is why your work is invaluable !! Keep up with great work Mr. Welerman!!
Watch ....... Occult Zionism Hell on earth !! Its far far worse than you think !!
I've been saying it for years Iran is NO enemy of Israel. !!
If our so called Muslim leaders (the Arabs that are paying footballers £350,000 a week) helped Pakistan and Imran khan then Pakistan wouldn't have to rely on China for money !! I'm sorry to say but it might take a civil war to remove the SELL OUTS in Pakistan !!
@Muhammad_Nuruddin ' The pious predessesors ' is what Salafi means !! There's NOTHING pious about those who claim to follow the 'Salaf' !! Our pious predessesors NEVER went about attacking their own Brothers and sisters !!
This is what COWARDS do !! Israeli's never learnt a single lesson from Apartheid South Africa !!
The Zionist Apartheid state is getting really desperate because they know the Truth is finally out !! The very same social media they have been using to brainwash the world is exposing their EVIL !! The world no longer believes their LIES !! Thank you Thank you THANK YOU !! Mr. Welerman !! So proud that you are speaking up for Muslims and Islam !! FREE PALESTINE ❤️
The beginning of the end for the ZIONIST Apartheid state but they know not because of their ARROGANCE. !!
@kumar7586 Hahaha 😂😂😂 Good one lol You don't watch too many Bollywood movies where Muslims are demonized in nearly every movie !! This is the level of intelligence in Modi's Hindus !! LMAO
How many people do you know that are blond haired blue eyed and WHITE from the region of Palestine?? Yet this is how they portray Jesus Christ PBUH!!😅
There is no such thing as Jewish or Hindu terrorism just Islamic Right. !!
ALL this because of IsraHell's GENOCIDE !! To God we come from and to God we return. !! Thank you so much for your support of Muslims and Islam ! A true voice for the voiceless !! God bless you and your family AMEEN
@Muhammad_Nuruddin The real ignorant ones are the ones who don't know the history of Saudi Arabia and the House of Saud and who put them there !! What about Abdul Bin Wahab and HES history, I could go on and on and on bus what's the point. !!
@Muhammad_Nuruddin It's funny how Wahabis ALWAYS attack their OWN Brothers and sisters in Islam for the smallest of things but when it comes to RULERS who make peace or are silent on Israel suddenly they go all quiet and justify what their Leaders do especially with the Oppressors and Tyrants against Muslims and Islam !! And you wonder why most of the Ummah despises especially SAUDI ARABIA and what they represent !!
I've been saying for years........ Iran and Isreal have been ALLIES from Day ONE. !! Thank you Mr. Welerman God bless you and your family !!
India will go the exact same way as Israel........ Straight to HELL 😡
All we hear is words words words words and MORE WORDS !! They keep repeating things we already know !! Theee pro Zionist PUPPETS won't last forever !!
They (the Arab rulers and the Zionist state ) try to decieve ALLAH SWT but only succeed in deceiving themselves !!
@thebesttruth4659 Ameen Brother 🙏
Surprise surprise...... A luxury lifestyle to SELL OUT your OWN people , what a COWARD !!
The irony of a TERRORIST state calling Muslims 'Terrorists !!
@ssimba2785 Really ?? I'm not going to waste my time with a pathetic comment from you !! You think people will fall for your BS about Palestine was never a country !! What was it called before Isreal then Genius !!
By voting in these animals India got exactly what they wanted !!