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The Duran
Comments by "naas699" (@naas699) on "The Duran" channel.
"NATO was designed to keep America in, Russia out & Germany down" - Hasings Ismay, 1st NATO Secretary General
all any global leader has to do is remember Kissingers quote that ends with "to be a friend of America is fatal"
@tinaforbes1059 i thought they were extremely successful with their multiple failures
Seymour Hersh - USA did it. Liz Truss "it's done", Polish Foreign Minister "thanks USA"
Zelensky's own troops are on video saying he had best hope he is captured by RU as then he will live a long life in a RU jail because if they get their hands on him he will be swinging from a lamp post in the Maidan. What would make that image perfect would be if Victoria Nuland is on the lamp post to his left and Boris johnson on the lap post to his rght
& RU is using pre-WW2 shovels & electronics from washing machines. Maybe a RU washing machine powered rocket can resque NASA's astronouts that are stuck in space?
"Forever Wars" - Assange pointed that out, that's why the US want him to rot in a UK jail. FREE ASSANGE
this should be the time for the entire African continent to band together and expell all European militaries and to finally end imperialism
don't forget the 20 plus CIA biolabs that are in Ukraine
demand those responsib;e for the destruction of Nord Stream are held accountable, that they pay RU compensation for monies lost from gas sales since then, and all future possble sales due to EU sourcing gas now elsewhere. that Poroshenko & Zelensky are tried for crimes against humanity for their 2014-2022 shelling of the Donbas
NATOs expansion - & aggression because all of NATO's war games (even the ones that didn't include Ukraine) always involved invading and going to war with RU
wonder how Borrell's "garden's" looking?
FreeLondonstan RU never said they were going to take Kiev, that was US lies and bullsht. go back to watching BBC
and Syria
if RU didn't have nukes the US & NATO would have invaded years ago. All Zelensky has to do is read the last sentence on Kissingers quote
all any EU leader has to do is read Kissingers quote that ends with "to be a friend of America is fatal"
57 countries of the Arab Muslim League have stated they will guarantee Israels security as mentioned at the United Nations General Assembly if they are prepared to create a Palestinian State. Only 2 countries want this war - the US has been itching to go to war with Iran ever since they were embarrased on the global stage in 1979 & Israel wants to create a greater Israel & take land in Syria & Lebanon
yep, RU need to remind the US / EU / NATO / UN that they were trying to ensure the Minsk 2 agreements would be upheld but they all ignored the shelling, how they had peace talks almost agreed in April 2022 until the UK torpedoed them, how RU has repeatedly stated they are open for peace talks yet were repeatedly torpedoed by the US. Now the time for talk is over and this ends on OUR TERMS
@MKSense1 Victoria Nuland is on video saying a peace agreement had been reached in April 2022 but that was unsuitable for the USA & UK
@MKSense1 Oleskii Arestovych former military oficer & aid to UA President is on video stating how the price for UA to join NATO is to provoke war with RU that leads to RU's defeat. get your facts straight. Arestovych is also on video saying how RU was extremely generous with concessions, most in UAs favour, for neutrality. And then Boris Johnson flew to Kiev and told Zelensky not to sign peace. So that should tell you who wants this war
he did say UA will have their tanks in Red Square. he is right, but they are all captured (sold?), never been fired, with a big white Z painted on the side
looks like Borrells "garden's" turning into a bit of a jungle
the new Govt should tell the world who blew up Nord Stream and demand reparations from that country / countries
saw a video where President Putin stated they would not deal with Germany for years, possibly decades
@nenadg3665 Crimea has always been Russian, and Crimea voted to be governed by Moscow 6 months BEFORE UA became a country in the 90's.
And peace was to be signed in Apr 2022 - we have Boris Jognson to thank for that agreement not being signed
and the 14,000 including 500 plus children killed in the Donbas by Poroshenk & Zelensky
Anthony Bourdain (RIP) said it best - “Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to deth with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scmbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević.”
well it is the USA that tells NATO / EU what to do - so RU needs to make sure they speak to their master. I remember seeing a video where Putin said he cannot see them talking to Europe for years, possibly decades. Looks like the EU / Germany won't be getting cheap RU energy anytime soon. Hope they enjoy paying for gas at 4 times the price
its all about massive $$ contracts to US weapons manufacturers
Hunter Biden's coke supplier must also sell his gear to Zelensky
multiple US Senators were demanding NS2 did not go online, they would have forced Germany not to agree to the contract for NS2. NS1 is still operational, as RU have said "all Germany has to do is ask us to turn it back on again" but it is EU sanctions that stops them buying directly from RU - they will happily buy RU oil, diesel etc via a third party at increased price
@L98fiero Kissinger said it best
President Putin had said at some stage they will have to talk to the USA but as for Germany, he cannot see them talking to Germany for many years, poasibly decades - so no chance Germany will get cheap energy any tme soon. the downward slide continues. Scholz should have read Kissingers only known quote
@basook6116 my understanding was Liz Truss resigned after 45 days and all Sunak did was win the conservative party leader election - not a national election
Alex - love your shirt)) FREE ASSANGE
the west will always say RU won because they had more soldiers who they could lose in their human wave attacks. But RU was very protective of its troops, land means nothing unless it is of strategic value so they withdraw knowing it can always be taken back later and saving troops was the most important thing. Also RU's artillery had longer range, so their losses were minimal compared to RU
@yurichtube1162 NATO's first secretary general, Hastings "Pug" Ismay, famously declared that the organization's mission was "to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down."
@Mary_QQQ you the people have the opportunity to march en masse to Downing Street to end wars, but you don't.
wonder how many celebrities want their "made for Hollywood" movie moment with Zelensky now?
Zelensky's own troops are on video saying how he had best hope he is captured by RU as then he will live a long life in jail because if they get their hands on him - he will be swinging from a lamp post in the Maidan. What would make that image perfect would be for Nuland to be on the lamp post next to him
wonder if on the way home Zelensky will visit Chelmno, Belzec, Sobidor, Treblinka, Majdanek, Auschwitz-Birkenau where he can marvel at his idols master plan
@stanspb763 i don't think the bases on Finnish soil will expand the war, (unless the USA does as RU ahave said they have no desire or need to do anything other than the goals of the SMO. but it will mean Finland will now have missiles aimed at their cities and RU troops along their border, probably the loss of trade with RU that the border cities on both sides enjoyed, and for Finland a massively increased military spending thanks to NATO membership and US scaremongering (all so NATO buys more US weapons)
BRICS needs to concentrade in Africa and developing nations and refuse all trade with the USA & EU. Let them pay more for goods by having to buy Chinese goods from other countries, who should put on massive markup
@basook6116 what do you expect from the Unelected PM?
NATO - keep the US in, Russia out & Germany DOWN - 1st NATO Secretary General
@heimomoilanen9654 yeah but Zelensky would never put a bit of lead in his own left ear, others will have to do that for him
US / NATO / EU leaders are following the time tested method that I base my life on - if you ignore it long enough, it will go away
yeah, good people go far too early and a$$holes live forever
they do, it usually also involves guns, shootings, mass looting of shops