Comments by "naas699" (@naas699) on "Media forgets Zelensky as frontline worsens for Ukraine military" video.

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  2.  @braxxian  Had Zelensky abided by the Minsk 2 agreement the Donbas would have remained in UA but under self rule, had Zelensky signed the peace agreement in April 2022 the Donbas would have remained in UA but under self rule. BUT Germany & France who brokered Minsk never forced Zelensky to abide by the agreement, neither did the USA / EU or UN. Merkel said Minsk was a scham designed to allow UA to build up its military, Zelensky stated he never intended to abide by it. So what do you want RU to do - allow Ukraines genocide of RU speakers in the Donbas to continue - 14,000 killed between 2014-2022 after the USA's violent and illegal coup in 2014 where the USA spent $6 billion to overthrow the democratically elected President. RU used the UN's Responsibility to Protect doctrine to end the killing. If it was any other nation they would have been lauded for it, but the USA / NATO want this war where the USA have repeatedly stated their goal is to weaken RU. that has failed, now their goal is to keep the US weapons gravy train contracts going. Lockheed Martin CFO stated they received a $10 billion order for UA and another $10 billion to replace what has already been sent. And they give $ millions to US congrreess. Assange pointed that out, that is why the US wants him to rot in a UK jail as he exposed Americas FOREVER WARS where they march around the gobe goild from one illegal war to the next. Liz Cheneys net worth went from $7 million in 2017 to $44 million in 2021 - who says Americas wars don't pay?
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