Comments by "Fatimah" (@fatimah9202) on "Message from Gaza Children to America" video.

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  4. Sharingis is caring! .By Shaikh Khalid Yaseen. A contemporary historian and mathematician named Michael Hart, gathered other historians and mathematicians to compile the100 of the most profound human beings in history. They set up 32 categories by which to compare and produce the most profound human beings in history. And let me tell you what Michael Hart said, he said, he had to place Muhammad (peace be upon him)at the top of the list, and those with him, could not dispute it; because categorically Muhammad s.a.w. had earned that position. He said, he wanted to choose Jesus (peace be upon him) because he was Christian, but there were several categories that honestly he could not choose him. Because Jesus was not a husband, but Muhammad (peace be upon him) was Jesus was not a father, but Muhammad was Jesus was not a statesman, but Muhammad was Jesus was not a warrior, but Muhammad  was Jesus was not a ruler but  Muhammad was So Michael Hart and his collaborators, said that the greatest human  being that has ever impacted on all annals of documented history  had to be Muhammad (peace be upon him) And that statement, can be found in the archives of the New York times magazine. Michael Hart said that his choice was Muhammad  to lead the list of the World's most influential persons; as he was the only man in history, who was supremely successful on both religious and secular levels. George Bernard Shaw said, that if a man like Muhammad were to tool the dictatorship or rule of the modern world, he would succeed in solving it's problems, that would bring it much needed peace and happiness. And Castle Wheatley said, that in a little more than a year, Muhammad (peace be upon him) was aqtually the spiritual, nominal, and temporal ruler of Medina with his hand on the lever, which was to shake the World. Billions of Muslims allover the World throughout the last 1400 years, have accepted the religious teachings of Muhammad An illiterate orphan brought up in the harsh deserts of Arabia transformed a backward society into a great civilisation. 2. Muhammad was the only leader who had realised his vision in his lifetime. He was born as an orphan in Mecca , raised in Mecca; his followers were killed, he was punished,  persecuted and driven out of Mecca. But after 23 years, Allah/God allowed him to return to Mecca, as a victor, as a conqueror. But when he came back, he gave amnesty to everyone. Then Muhammad spread his message. He spread Islam throughout the Peninsula of Arabia, so that Islam became established as a state, as a government. He was now the Ruler, but he was still eating and drinking and dressing the same way, as he had been doing before. The messenger (peace be upon him) was just and fair. He didn't favour his family and friends over others, in distribution or in judgement, like the kings, presidents, or judges of today do, or like those who have done it throughout history. This was a man in this world who was always thinking of the hereafter,  because Allah said to him the ayat' al aakhiratu khairuwn wa abbka' The hereafter is better for you and everyone else, than what is present. His message was to call humanity to the worshipping of the creator and to destroy all kinds of injustice in the earth, and to establish a character, a paradym of human conduct, for the human beings to follow. And if one reads the Qur'an you will see that message comes through, on every single page.This is what sets Muhammad (peace be upon him)  above any other ruler or any other prophet. The prophet Muhammad, never in his life, did he lift his hand to hit any human being; not a servant, not a wife, not a friend, nor an enemy, except when the enemy was opposing Allah and opposing the message. When the companions of Muhammad were to look for him on the battlefield,  they said by God, we found him in the middle of the enemies fighting, and we used to seek protection from his person, we used to hide behind the prophet  on the battlefield. He was such a warrior and a statesman on the battlefield, commanding and fighting for the way of Allah/God the mighty But once he was off the battlefield, his eyes were downcast, and he was speaking softly, and he was gentle, and he was warm, and he was sacred, and he was soft and caring and crying. 3. The prophet Muhammad would also be  doing a course on the days feeding the poor, visiting the sick, discharging the army, acting as a statesman, acting as an arbitor, talking to the people, addressing the women, giving out zakat (charity), sewing his clothes, washing his house, shopping for the food, doing all the things, that you and I do. And at night, standing in prayer 4, 5 hours a time, and in the day, fighting the battles, discharging the armies, giving the rulings, explaining the Qur'an, and instructing the people in behaviour. How could a man do all of that, and stand 4, 5 hours in prayer at night? What kind of a human being can that be? He was a messenger, he was a prophet. This was a man with a message. Muhammad (peace be upon him) was that unlettered prophet, the final prophet; who was sent as a mercy to Mankind. He was the best example to follow. He was sent to all of Humanity and the Jinns. The prophet Muhammad was victorious over all the systems, and he was created on an exalted standard. There is not a person in the whole of history, that could compare with Muhammad,  the final prophet of God. From the talk of Shaikh Khalid Yaseen
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  8. If being CIVILISED like the Zionist and the Western leaders and their mouthpieces, means acting upon all or some of the following: 1. Double standards. 2. Being Racist. 3. Stealing land and homes. 4. Bullying. 5. Constantly lying. 6. Apartheid 7. Intensely bombing and using illegal white phosphorus on hospitals, mosques, churches, universities, and market places. 8. Killing women ,children and babies...mothers . 9. Murdering non combatant civilian men: sons, fathers, grandfathers. 10. Stopping, water, food, and medicine and fuel of an already subjugated people after putting them in an open air concentration camp, and already half starving them.. 11. Humiliating resistance soldiers after killing them, taking there clothes of and kicking,  jumping and urinating on them. 12. Being selfish, arrogant, cruel, and having no empathy. 13. Being oppressive and openly calling a people human animals, whilst behaving worst than animals themselves. 14. Breaking all moral and international rules 15. Imprisoning innocent men and children without trial for years, and raping women in their jails. 16. Being silent or siding with the oppressors, and supporting them in their aggression, instead of the victims 17. Perpetrating Genocide or aiding in genocide and ethnic cleansing. 18. Wiping out generations. 19.To TERRORISE,  then gaslighting and playing the victim. 20. Abetting on all the above. Then we human beings would rather be called BACKWARDS!!! And we thank Allah again and again for ISLAM. And PALESTINE will be FREE!☝️
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