Youtube activity of "JR Raven" (@jrraven3230) on "Static CamperVan" channel.
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JR Raven
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Comments by video
"1st Trip To Bainbridge Island Then Over To The Viking Town Of Poulsbo #adayinalife #vlog"
"5 Years Living in a Minivan. Full Time Vanlife"
"8 Years No Rent Experiment | Living In A Simple Minivan Camper"
"A Break in the Rain | #adayinalife #vlog in Ventura"
"A Day At Trinidad Beach #adayinalife #vlog Cutting My Own Hair, Vanlife Shower Setup"
"A Day at Balboa Park #adayinalife"
"A Day of #vanlife, Running Errands"
"A Few Rough Days | a day in a life of #vanlife"
"A Grumpy Day and Green Chili Mac and Cheese. #adayinalife of #vanlife"
"A Lazy Day At The Ocean. Full Time #vanlife Travel"
"A Lazy Day In My Van Making Coffee #adayinalife #sleepaid Flying Goats Coffee, New Coffee Brew Scale"
"A Little Different #adayinalife #vanlife"
"A Mouse in My House #vanlife problems"
"A Walk Through Balboa Park"
"ASMR Making Coffee in a Van During a Heavy Rainstorm | #asmr #rainsounds #notalking"
"Across The Golden Gate Bridge, Pigeon Point u0026 Wildling Shoes | A Day of Firsts"
"Altra Lone Peak Hiking Shoes | One Month Review, Best Hiking Shoes"
"America’s Nicest Town | Ferndale #adayinalife #fulltimetravel #vlog"
"An Awesome River Near Crescent City #adayinalife #vlog of full time #vanlife"
"An Embarrassing Van Upgrade #vanlife #adayinalife #diy"
"An Impromptu Coffee Chat"
"An Olympic Forest Adventure u0026 The Best Coffee #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"And Now, The Rest of the Story…"
"Another Rainy Day in my Van during a Severe Weather Warning #adayinalife #vlog #rainsounds"
"Are Knock-Off Berkey Water Filters Worth Buying?"
"At My Wits’ End With Emails - Morning Coffee Chat #unintentionalasmr"
"Avoiding Condensation Living In A Van #fulltimevanlife #vanlife"
"Avoiding another Propane Fill Scam #adayinalife #vanlife"
"Back to #vanlife in the city. #adayinalife in Flagstaff Arizona"
"Best Dispersed Camp Yet. Free Camping in Arizona"
"Big Difference between Lead Acid and Lithium Batteries"
"Big Fail Finding A Camp, Olympic NP, Egg Salad u0026 Local Art #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"Big Job in a Little Van | New Rug, Rice Cooker Repair u0026 a Cup of Coffee or Two #adayinalife #vlog"
"Blue Yeti Microphone Sound Test and Review. And Why you Shouldn’t Buy One."
"Botching My Own Haircut, Sea Caves u0026 Redwoods #adayinalife #vlog"
"Build A Better Magnetic Phone Dash Mount. Durable, All Metal"
"Build A Better Personal Cooler #adayinalife #diy air conditioner / swamp cooler"
"Building A New Bed At Home Depot #adayinalife #vanlife #vlog"
"Burritos on Homemade Tortillas #vanlife #cooking"
"Campervan Cookware what I use Deep Dive Chat"
"Campervan Lighting Repair u0026 Upgrade #vlog #diy #saltlamp"
"Changed Direction On Van Build #dayinthelife #sleepaid Stainless Steel Sink, Counter u0026 Shelf"
"Changes Afoot #dayinthelife #sleepaid | Cordless Kettle For Solar Power"
"Changes Are Happening | Coffee Chat In A Van #unintentionalasmr #aeropress"
"Channel Update"
"Clearing The Clutter #adayinalife #vlog | Trader Joe’s Coffee u0026 Ice Cream"
"Cliff Diving youths at Sunset Cliffs"
"Clouds In My Coffee #coffeechat #unintentionalasmr"
"Coffee Chat in a Van - Do You Watch ASMR Videos?"
"Coffee Chat in a Van - HyperX Quadcast Microphone"
"Coffee Chat in a Van - Update on a Mouse in my House and Story Time"
"Coffee Chat in a Van - You’re Not Going To Like My New Glasses"
"Coffee Chat in a Van | Should I Buy a Bike?"
"Coffee Chat in a Van | Status CB-1 Studio Monitor Headphones"
"Coffee Chat in a Van. Coffee Mugs"
"Coffee Chat in a Van. The Trouble With Bargain Coffee"
"Coffee Chat with Static | Enjoying Local Coffee Thanks to a Kind Gesture"
"Coffee Chat | Tips For Brewing Decaf u0026 A Furious Rant #sleepaid"
"Coffee Chat. Let’s Talk about Comments"
"Comparing Oat Milk - Coffee Chat in a Van"
"Cooking Curry in my Campervan. Full Time #vanlife"
"Cooking Tacos in my Minivan Camper"
"Cooking the Easiest #vanlife Dinner"
"Cutting my own hair. How hard can it be?"
"DIY Tune Up To Save $500 #adayinalife #vlog Replacing Spark Plugs u0026 Harbor Freight Tools"
"Dangerous Wildfire Smoke u0026 Bunkers In Samoa #adayinalife #vlog"
"Dead Battery in the Forest"
"Deep Dive Chat - Why Make Tortillas from Scratch"
"Disappearing Comments Leading To Confusion #coffeechat #unintentionalasmr"
"Ditch Non-Stick Cookware. Buying and Seasoning a de Buyer Carbon Steel Skillet"
"Do This To Scare Me #coffeechat #sleepaid"
"Do You Know The Seattle Rule?"
"Doctor Gives Me Good u0026 Bad News #adayinalife #sleepaid"
"Dodgy Electrical Repair #dayinthelife #sleepaid #wago"
"Don’t Visit San Diego, a Love Letter plus Ocean ASMR"
"Don’t Visit Santa Cruz | #adayinalife #vlog #fulltimetravel"
"Don’t Want To Move Here #adayinalife At The Redwood Coast | Ferndale, Centerville Beach #sleepaid"
"Dreaded Chores While Camping in the Arizona Desert #adayinalife of #vanlife"
"Dunkin’ Donuts vs McDonald’s Coffee. Which one is Better?"
"Easy #vanlife Dinner. Bob’s Red Mill Soup"
"Easy Tortilla Recipe - Campervan Cooking"
"Electric Candle Lighter"
"Electrical Repair in a Monsoon | #vanlife #diy"
"Enameled Cast Iron is Great!"
"Enchiladas In My Van, Cooking Without An Oven #vlog #sleepaid"
"Endless Bad Advice In Vanlife, City Vanlife Versus Desert Van Living #adayinalife #vlog"
"Everything Was Difficult Today | Making A Latte and Hiking Pygmy Forest #adayinalife"
"Exactly What I Was Looking For | a day at Carson River"
"Exciting Van Upgrades | Water Filter, USB-C Charger, Homemade Rivnut Tool"
"Favorite Place so far Searching for a Home | Truckee California #adayinalife #vanlife #vlog"
"Feeling Lost in Sedona"
"Finally Some Trees, Arizona Dispersed Camping #adayinalife #vanlife"
"Finding Exactly What Was Needed | #adayinalife #vlog living #vanlife in Ojai"
"Finishing A DIY Project At My Favorite State Park #adayinalife #vlog"
"First Meal In The New Van #dayinthelife #sleepaid | Gas One Dual Fuel Stove, Chili"
"Flying Goats At The Russian River #adayinalife"
"Food Prepping In My Minivan #adayinalife #vlog"
"Forced Off The Road | #adayinalife #vanlife #fulltimetravel #vlog"
"Forced Out of California #vanlife #vlog"
"Free Camping At Mt. Rainier, Federation Forest, Silver Springs Sno-Park #adayinalife #vlog"
"Free Camping in Joshua Tree | #adayinalife #vlog #fulltimetravel"
"Get Me Out Of Here #adayinalife #vlog | Snoqualmie Falls, Twin Peaks, Seattle"
"Get Out and Walk. Spending the Day Outside. And Cooking Nothing but Tacos. #adayinalife #vanlife"
"Glass On This Beach. Engine Maintenance #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"Had a Dead Battery Out in the Forest | High Steel Bridge Olympic NF #adayinalife #vlog"
"Happy Holidays! Will be Live on Monday"
"Happy New Year! Changes Ahead #sleepaid"
"Happy Sunday, Update on Battery Issue"
"Heatwave in February #adayinalife #vanlife"
"Hiding Out In IKEA #adayinalife #vlog | Heated Vest, Dealing With Rain u0026 Cold"
"Hiking A Haunted Forest. Full Time #vanlife Travel"
"Hiking High in San Diego. Full time #vanlife vlog"
"Hobbit Cave Like Trail | Jug Handle State Reserve"
"Homeless for a Day with Two Recalls on my Ram ProMaster City"
"How To Make The Best Coffee | How I Use An Aeropress #coffee #sleepaid"
"How YouTube is Supposed to Work"
"How to Find the Best Coffee. Coffee Chat"
"How to Receive Packages While Traveling"
"Huge Sale Event on Rockpals Portable Power Stations!"
"Huge Upgrade For My Campervan Electrical #adayinalife #diy #vlog"
"I Did Something Crazy | Drove from California to Seattle in One Day #adayinalife #vanlife #vlog"
"I Don’t Want To Leave | #adayinalife of #vanlife free camping in Nevada"
"I Have a Question for You - Coffee Chat"
"I Need Your Help. My MaxxAir Fan is Driving me Crazy. March 13, 2022"
"I've Got Anxiety and Stress, So It's Time To Leave #adayinalife #vlog in Humboldt"
"In Another World. California’s Lost Coast #adayinalife #vlog"
"Incredible Free Desert Camping. Full Time Vanlife Travel"
"Is Grocery Outlet Coffee Worth Buying? Coffee Chat in a Van"
"Is Seattle A Dangerous City? #adayinalife #vlog"
"Is This Really California? The Lost Coast #vlog Re-Edit"
"It Didn’t Get Done. A Day in My #vanlife"
"It Rains in Southern California"
"I’m A Cheater #adayinalife #sleepaid"
"I’m Awfully Thankful #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"I’m Sick Of People Telling Me To Get A Hotel #vanlife #sleepaid"
"I’m Stuck in San Diego! Important update"
"I’ve got a problem. Nomad Problems"
"La Jolla is the San Diego Village You Need to Visit."
"Leaving Las Vegas | a day in a life of #vanlife"
"Leaving San Diego Forever #vanlife"
"Listening To The Rain Making Breakfast For Dinner #vlog #adayinalife"
"Living Free on Arizona Public Land #adayinalife #vanlife #vlog"
"Living in Mendocino #adayinalife | from a Punch Bowl to Van Damme in New Altra Lone Peaks"
"Living in Northern California #adayinalife | Campfire Permit, AeroPress u0026 Fleener Creek Hike"
"Longing For Home Living Vanlife #adayinalife #vlog"
"Los Angeles was a Mistake | #adayinalife #vlog"
"Lost u0026 Alone On Bainbridge Island, Seattle #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"Maintenance and a Rant about Plastic Berkey Water Filters (Trigger Warning)"
"Man Lives Six Years in a Minivan - Ram ProMaster City Self Built Campervan"
"Members Only Lo-Fi Vlog | Out of the woods into Aberdeen"
"Mendocino’s Wacky 4th of July Parade #fulltimevanlife #travel"
"Mini Electric Travel Kettle | Portable 300W Kettle"
"Missing The Connections #coffeechat #sleepaid"
"Morning Coffee Chat #dayinthelife #sleepaid"
"Morning Coffee with Static #1"
"Morning Coffee with Static #2"
"Most Unsafe City In The County #adayinalife | Headwaters Forest Reserve, Sequoia Park #sleepaid"
"Moving On to Emerald Pools | #adayinalife of #vanlife"
"Moving On. Did I Overstay My Welcome? #adayinalife #vlog of #fulltimevanlife | Avenue of the Giants"
"My Dilemma #adayinalife #vlog #rei"
"My Eyes Need an Upgrade | #adayinalife #vlog America’s Best, Curry Gravy Dinner u0026 IKEA"
"My Minimalist Video Gear for Making Youtube Videos | Content Creator Set Up"
"My Morning Coffee Ritual #vanlife #ASMR"
"My Unusual Homemade Berkey Water Filter"
"Neon Lights And Magnets Make Great Campervan Upgrades #adayinalife #vlog"
"Never Wanted to Live in San Diego. A day in a life of #vanlife"
"New Brakes and Rotors from for my Ram ProMaster City"
"New Van For Vanlife #fulltimevanlife #sleepaid"
"No Barbers Needed | Cutting My Own Hair and New Shower Technique"
"No Saturday Livestream’s for Now"
"No video today. New vlog up on Wednesday"
"Not A Good Answer #coffeechat #unintentionalasmr"
"Not A Happy New Year"
"Not Happy Living In Santa Rosa #adayinalife #vanlife #vlog"
"Not In Seattle #adayinalife #vlog"
"Olympian Wave 3 Propane Heater for Full Time Vanlife"
"On The Moonstone #adayinalife | Spicy Chuck Roast, Solar Power System, Sea Caves #sleepaid"
"Outstanding Price for a portable battery | Oupes 1200 Portable Power Supply Review"
"Preparing For The Cold"
"Preparing my Campervan for a Cold 25°F Night / a night in a life of #vanlife"
"Prepping My Van For Winter And Cold Weather #adayinalife #vanlife #sleepaid"
"Problems Good u0026 Bad #adayinalife #vlog Trinidad u0026 Redwoods"
"Proper Ventilation In A Van or Camper Using A MaxxAir Roof Vent"
"Putting on the Brakes. This Didn’t Go To Plan"
"Quality Portable Power the Rockpals Rockpower 500 Watt Power Station"
"Quick u0026 Easy Meal For A Hot Day #cooking in the campervan"
"Rain On Van Roof Inside While Cleaning #adayinalife #rain #rainsounds"
"Rainy Day in a Van Making Coffee #rainsounds #unintentionalasmr #kleankanteen"
"Rainy Day in a Van | Stayed Inside Because of Rain u0026 Cold Outside #adayinalife #rainsound #sleepaid"
"Rainy Drive And Day At The Coast #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"Rainy Hike To Native Dwellings | First Trip To Point Reyes #adayinalife #vlog"
"Rainy Morning Errands #adayinalife #sleepaid"
"Rainy Night Cooking In A Van #adayinalife #sleepaid #rain"
"Rainy Night Sick In A Van #vlog #rainsounds #adayinalife"
"Ram ProMaster City Engine Recall"
"Ran Away To Trinidad. The Other Trinidad #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"Relaxing Water Sounds to Unwind and Decompress #asmr no talking"
"Road Trip for Repairs"
"Rough Start On The Road To Oregon #adayinalife #vlog"
"Sad Day But Smile Anyway | Lo-Fi Travel Vlog #adayinalife #vlog To Glass Beach"
"Searching Spooky Hallways Back In Seattle #adayinalife #vlog"
"Seattle Got too Hard so I Left | #adayinalife #vanlife #travel #vlog"
"Seattle Heatwave #adayinalife #vlog | Best Mexican Food in Seattle and Trying To Stay Cool"
"Seattle Was A Mistake | Pike Place, Water Taxi, Storyville Coffee"
"Seattle's Best State Park | #adayinalife Lo-Fi Vlog at Fort Worden"
"Secret Free Parking at Doheny State Beach #adayinalife of #vanlife"
"Secret to Great Coffee: the AeroPress"
"Self-Serving Channel Update"
"Seven Years Rent Free - Man Finds Happiness Living In A Minivan | Simple Self-Built Campervan"
"Shopping For A New Van To Live In #adayinalife #sleepaid"
"Showers are off-limits, Guajillo Salsa, Pink Cloud Sunset. #adayinalife #vanlife"
"Slightly Shattered #adayinalife"
"Sometimes I’m Lucky #adayinalife #vlog Moonstone Beach, Homemade Pizza, Wildling Shoes"
"Special Wiring for the new Fridge - Anderson Powerpole Connectors"
"Spicy News | Coffee Chat #sleepaid"
"Staresso Discovery Coffee Grinder Review"
"State Parks for Vanlife Tasks | Kitsap Memorial, Discover Pass, REI #adayinalife #vlog"
"Stuck In The Woods On A Rainy Day | Olallie State Park, Wildling Shoes #adayinalife #vlog"
"Subsisting In Fort Bragg #vanlife #vlog | Point Cabrillo Lighthouse"
"Switch to Decaf?! #adayinalife #vlog Coffee and Redwoods"
"Taquitos - Cooking in the Campervan"
"Taste Testing Celebrity Coffee. Peter McKinnon Golden Hour Blend"
"Thank You and I’m Sorry"
"The Best Deal Ever, Preparing For Winter | Coffee Chat In A Van #coffeechat #unintentionalasmr"
"The Best u0026 Safest Heater For Vanlife - Olympian Wave 3 Propane Safety Heater"
"The Meaning of Life #shorts"
"The Most Surprising Coffee of the Year"
"The Most Versatile 12 Volt Fridge Setpower RV45D Dual Zone Fridge/Freezer"
"The Problem with being an Introvert"
"The Smallest of Things can make a Big Impact"
"They Called The Police On Me | Newport Oregon #adayinalife #vanlife #vlog"
"This Feels Like Home | Elwha River, Olympic National Park, Port Angeles #adayinalife"
"This Feels Like Seattle #adayinalife #vlog in Eureka"
"This Place Is Special | Mendocino, Van Damme SP u0026 A Coffee Blunder #adayinalife #vlog"
"This Was Crucial | Free Campsite In Olympic National Park #adayinalife #vlog"
"This is Not a Video"
"Throwing Caution To The Wind Roadtrip #adayinalife #vlog"
"Time To Get Lost #adayinalife #vlog"
"Tired And Grumpy Today On The Way To Trinidad #adayinalife #vlog"
"Today Was A Headache #adayinalife #vlog"
"Too Slow, It’s Now A Hat Day #adayinalife #vanlife #vlog In The PNW"
"Toyota Sienna No Build Campervan #fulltimevanlife #sleepaid"
"Trepidation. Full Time #vanlife Travel"
"Trying to Escape the Heatwave. Full time #vanlife"
"Two Big Blunders - Morning Coffee With Static #coffeechat #saltlamp"
"Upgrades To Van Lights And Plumbing #dayinthelife #fulltimevanlife #sleepaid"
"Use This to Smell Better!"
"Using an MSR Pocket Rocket Stove with Propane. My Emergency Backup Stove Setup"
"Van Breakdown’s, The Problem With Vanlife #vanlife #vlog"
"Van Mechanical Woes #adayinalife #sleepaid"
"Van Problems, Shakshuka, MacKerricher State Park #adayinalife #sleepaid"
"Vanlife Has Been Great #vanlife"
"Vanlife Isn’t All Fun u0026 Games #adayinalife | Best Laundromat, Summer Heat"
"Vanlife in the City. Living #vanlife at Balboa Park in San Diego"
"Water Bandit and Laundry at the Ocean Beach Dog Park #adayinalife #vanlife"
"Water Damage Repair u0026 Van Upgrades #vanlife #diy"
"West Clear Creek Wilderness an Oasis in the Arizona Desert #adayinalife of #vanlife"
"What Am I Going To Do?- The Answer #vanlife #coffeechat #unintentionalasmr"
"What I Do For Work Living Vanlife | Back In My Old Neighborhood #adayinalife #vanlife #vlog"
"What’s A Bomb Cyclone? #adayinalife #sleepaid New Mattress Cover"
"When Life Became Too Difficult | a coffee chat #unintentionalasmr"
"When You Really Need A Shower #adayinalife #vanlife"
"Why Do I Ever Leave The Coast? | #adayinalife of #vanlife in Mendocino"
"Why I Don’t Eat Out | Coffee Chat #unintentionalasmr"
"Why The Hate? Rainy Night Van Chat #coffeechat #decaf"
"Will A $20 Air Cooler Keep My Van Cool? #adayinalife #vlog Tips To Stay Cool In Hot Weather"
"Will I Cave? #adayinalife"
"Will This Solve My Solar Problem? | Victron Solar Charge Controller, Paulsbo, Vikings #adayinalife"
"Wishing you all the the Happiest of Holidays!"
"Without A Home, Living Vanlife | A Shortened Replay"
"You Need A Fridge Thermometer"