Comments by "Kristopher Driver" (@paxdriver) on "Chris Christie explains change of heart on 'unfit' Trump" video.
***** TPP would make corporations more powerful, first of all. Secondly, Bernie doesn't mention it because the people's court will do it. He's wanting voters to vote on issues, like real democracy. Thirdly, there's a difference between wishful thinking and outright lying, which conservatives notoriously do (ie: trump, ted cruz, carson, fiorina, christie and rubio) about each other. Lastly, who said niceties make a candidate unwinnable? That's just what conservatives say and do. It's not necessary if you have an educated population. If America is so great then the least you could expect from its people is that they are educated. Pandering to childishness is a really sad course of action for such a "powerful" and "advanced" society. Nothing you said makes sense.
R Ski I appreciate your passion but your knowledge of Venezuela is only partial. America is a huge reason for their struggles, not their political model. Also, the continent is very different, so their trade opportunities and infrastructure were also underdeveloped for decades, and their neighbors were plagued by militia insurgents and civil unrest. It's not even closely related to America in that regard, and they didn't have the industrial history to build a foundation on like America did.
Secondly, socialism is cheaper. Don't try to get me to shed a tear for a 44% tax on people who can own several homes they leave vacant most of the year. If you want a stable society and economy you can't have homeless or project dwellers segregated to protect the rich people. You need to lift the standard of living for all people to encourage security or they will take, or vote to take, from the wealthy and it'll be a lot more painful than a tax. It's just not feasible to allow people to bleed out while a certain few acquire wealth without being productive contributors to the society they want to enjoy. It's not complicated, it's humanity. $1,000 goes a lot farther for a poor family than someone who earns that and more in a day at the beach while an algorithm trades pennies to earn them their leisurely life. It's just absurd. You've clearly never seen abject poverty if you want to protect the income of non-working folk in the 44% tax bracket. They don't produce any tangible goods, and the ones that do are that wealthy because of trade agreements and tax havens that undermine the earning potential and opportunity for the working class.
Open your eyes, socialism is already an gladly accepted American ideal. Socialism isn't communism. The government spends hundreds of billions of dollars annually, and tens of billions protecting the wealth of the privileged, but spends minute percentages offering low income families unhealthy meals like KD at the food banks or with food stamps.