Comments by "Serai3" (@Serai3) on "Tom Hanks on Harvey Weinstein - BBC News" video.
I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Like every other industry, there are horrible people and decent people in entertainment. I worked in production offices and I did some gigs as a background actor, and I can tell you there are plenty of decent people. (Google Robert Rodriguez's story about how he fought to shit in Weinstein's eye for what he did to Rose McGowan, for instance.) But as always, the predatory and the vicious create a climate of fear and aberration which is hard for people who aren't in that industry to grasp. It's not like working retail or a restaurant. These are dream jobs that millions of people long to have. And they are VERY difficult to get at any real level of success. Achieving status in entertainment is a big commitment, and it's very hard not to rationalize putting up with vast amounts of shit to keep that dream. I'm very glad at every person that's speaking up, but although I'm not happy at their silence, to be honest, I don't know what I would have said or done had I been in any position to feel that getting out wasn't what I wanted. I did leave because I didn't like it at all, but I was at a very low level so I wasn't really giving up that much. But being confronted with that awfulness at the level of a regular working actress with union backing and name recognition? I don't know. I'm not judging anyone, even though I would judge myself very harshly. That is one fucked-up, WEIRD industry, and it's easy to get trapped for much longer than one would hope..