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The Japan Reporter
Comments by "Serai3" (@Serai3) on "The Japan Reporter" channel.
I hope she understands that in the US her chances of ending up dead in an alley are exponentially higher than in Japan.
@universelegion3470 Oh, you sweet summer child.
Stop with the barriers. It's not "young people" being deprived. You're just seeing that because YOU are young. It's ANYONE who isn't wealthy. Those who already have too much see no reason to help anyone who doesn't. Don't swallow what they give you to swallow - you're only giving them what they want.
Considering how little advantage falls to the woman in marriage, why would any woman want to get into it?
"The richest country in the world" ALWAYS means there are many people suffering from poverty. Wealth can only be created at the expense of someone else. As Fran Leibowitz said, "No one ever made a million dollars. You can only steal a million dollars."
LOL Oh wait, you're serious. Here, let me laugh louder. AHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAAAHAHAHAH
I'm a little put off by the fact that it seems to be a service exclusively for men. The needs of disabled women don't seem to be entering into it at all.
I would think the answer to that question would be obvious. Disabled patrons would be far more appreciative of the service and thus treat them better.
Well, that took a turn I didn't expect.
In the US, we have a similar problem, except that here it's the homeless. People fall out of society not by shutting in, but by being thrown out into the street. The same pressures apply - no way to get back in, shame and abuse heaped on them by others, and the constant idea that they are somehow at fault for their situation, when really it's the whole society that has caused it.
@HYDRAdude Y'all just can't stand hearing that women can do perfectly well without you, can you?
@brodude3709 Ah, yes. The risk for men is that they'll lose money, while the risk for women is that they'll lose their freedom and possibly their lives. But by all means, keep thinking you're the ones losing.
They're basically hookers without the sex. I can understand why men would want to go there, but the whole scamming situation is sad.
@SilvioManfredDante And you sound desperate. Guess we're not all as we seem, eh?
@brodude3709 LOL, if that's what you consider a risk, it's no wonder you have no idea what I'm talking about.
:) You weren't ugly, honey; you were just shocked.
@victorjackson150 Wow, the point of my comment just wooshed right over your head.
@vorynrosethorn903 Thank you for confirming what I just said. The attitude you're displaing is one of the reasons we're in the mess we're in.
Funny how none of the people paranoid about foreigners "bringing in the virus" seem to consider the virus might be brought by some Japanese people who travel abroad. Nope, it's got to be the foreigners, because we all know how coronavirus picks and chooses which people to infect.
@travmanbrett5338 What does that have to do with anything? That may be the most useless, irrelevant bit of pseduo-info I've ever heard anyone raise.
One thing: I hope you're not believing all the nonsense about "immigrants taking over" and "millions of illegals" here in America. That is right-wing propaganda. Immigrants have always been the backbone of America, the reason we are strong. Proof is in the awful consequences that inevitably come every time one of our right-wing dominant states tries to lock out immigrants: rotting crops, stalled or cancelled construction, etc. There's a lot of GET THEM OUT, but then nobody wants to take the jobs those immigrants did. Imagine that! The very people who bang the drum in order to get their way end up not wanting to deal with the consequences, and blame everybody but themselves and their xenophobic blathering.
@kylejackson7176 Aw, it's cute how you try to sound like an adult.
@garretthylander2204 AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA Yes, I intend to keep laughing at you little boys, who think the entire world should revolve around your little weiners. Damn straight I'll keep laughing, child.
@734ch3r LOL, I love how you incels make assumptions about everyone based on your bitterness about never getting laid. It's endlessly amusing. Maybe try taking a shower every once in a while. You never know, you might get lucky.
@joncook7510 Yeah, how DARE they think they're human beings?? Only MEN are human beings, DAMMIT!!!!! Jesus, can ANY of you hear yourselves? 😂
It's the same here, honey. Young people here are often abysmally ignorant of history, geography, pretty much anything that isn't social media nonsense. Pretty sad, yeah.
@teamojesusss LOL, sure honey. You hide your head in the sand and ignore just how violent and dangerous this country is. I'll bet you're not only white, but you have money too.
Yes. God knows it's not as if whole industries are built on the cheap labor and disposable bodies that "illegals" bring to America when they risk their lives to come here in order to survive. It's not as if white Americans are completely unwilling to get out in the fields and pick crops under the blistering sun with no water and no breaks and no protection against the chemical fertilizers that "illegals" have to endure. Nah, that doesn't happen at all!
@dearthditch LOL. Go home, Bubba.
@cob4754 Yeah, do ignore the issue and deflect towards an irrelevant subject. Not to mention pulling this opinion out of your sphincter.
@flyingpaladin617 Go back to your basement, Bubba.
@flyingpaladin617 ...says the racist coward who can't take being called out. 😂😂😂
@stevenwilliams3094 AHAHAHA. Honey, I was an adult here in the US when you were still jumping from one of your daddy's balls to the other. Don't teach your grandma to suck eggs, Sparky. 😆
Laws that prohibit popular behaviors rarely work. All they do is help the underground market flourish. These women will have little to no protection now.
@custos3249 LOL, the assumption that small places are automatically less "shitty" than cities. Yeah, with all the racist bullshit and lunatics running around armed, they're automatically better. Uh huh. This girl could be shot in a town of 200 in this country, kiddo. There are creeps and crazies in every group of people, so please take your shilling elsewhere.
@Eighteenxray Awww. Y'all are just so cute. Waggling your little peens and whining about the BIG BAD WIMMINZ who won't let you have all the ice cream you want. :D::D:D