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The New York Times
Comments by "Serai3" (@Serai3) on "The New York Times" channel.
I didn't grow up with a lawn, so I've never understood the whole obsession with them. The area would be far better used for a garden, which could be at least partly used to grow food.
For gods' sakes, why would the prosecutor wish the verdict was different if there was NO EVIDENCE? This country really did go insane there for a while. It was a very scary time, especially for anyone in an alternative religion. The hysteria was quite frightening.
+oldnbaschool Maybe because this was about these people's opinions, and not some popularity contest? You think?
I agree with Firth. Kevin Bacon's performance in The Woodsman was incredible. The delicacy with which he handled that character was awe-inspiring. He really got me to feel bad for him, not as a criminal, but as a person trying to be good when nobody believes he can be. The conversation he has with the little girl in the park near the end is truly heart-breaking. I would also put up Ralph Fiennes in The Constant Gardener. Very, very subtle work, as always. The scene where the character learns his wife has died is one of the best pieces of acting I've ever seen. The guy is a master.
+Collin Workman If you just want your own opinions parroted back at you, there are plenty of lazy Top Ten lists you can watch. This video is about what THESE PEOPLE think is the best. If you're so sure actors "never" choose "the best", then why do you waste your time listening to their opinions?
Collin Workman In YOUR opinion. Is it really so hard to understand that different people are going to have different opinions? and that yours is not the one that gets to say what's "best" for everyone? Really, it's not. You only get to say what's "best" for YOU. Everyone else gets to say what's "best" for THEM. These actors were asked what THEY thought were the best performances, and they answered. You'd answer differently? Fine. But YOU are not the person being asked. Get it now? or is that too complicated?
As an aside FYI, most people don't know that "Sybil" was made into another movie for HBO. It never played in the US but aired in Australia. Very good version, with a bookend that introduced the viewer to Mason's paintings and explained who she was. Jessica Lange played Dr. Wilbur. Worth seeking out.
So make weed legal. When you do that, alcohol consumption goes down along with all the attendant problems it causes. Giving folks an alternative is far better than prohibition or raising taxes.
Oooo, looks like we've got a buthurt water waster here.
Name recognition. "Sybil" calls up a definite image. Not so "Dr. Wilbur".
@vylbird8014 That doesn't follow, dude. Having a big lawn makes no difference to how many people can live inside a house. Enormous mansions have big lawns, and yet they could house dozens very comfortably. They might mark out the wealthy VISUALLY, but they have nothing to do with keeping the number of occupants down.
I've yet to hear a single thing about Ireland that makes me want to go there. Oh wait, no. There's one: it's really green. Other than that - nope, not interested.
Every day this country disgusts me more and more. Our pretense about being somehow moral and good is a complete sham. ALL this country cares about is money. Nothing else matters. It's horrifying and grotesque, especially in light of the propaganda about how we're supposedly "the best", when there are countries that are FAR more compassionate towards its citizens.
Collin Workman You still don't get it. YOU WEREN'T ASKED. You're not a member of the Academy, and the Oscars are not for YOU. It's a TRADE show, these are TRADE awards, given by practitioners of a trade to other practitioners. It's SHOWN to the public because it's a great publicity thing for the film industry, but it is not FOR us in any way. The Oscars were being given out BEFORE the public was ever allowed to view the ceremonies, you know. The SHOW is for the audience - the AWARDS are for the people being honored and the people honoring them. They have nothing to do with the public. This is about the opinions that people IN the film industry have about each other. You don't agree with them? Fine. But if you're going to talk about them being "wrong", you may as well go watch something else, because THERE IS NO WRONG. There is only difference of opinion. You won't ever get that through your head, because you think you're right about what's "best" and EVERYONE IN THE WORLD SHOULD LISTEN TO YOU. Because you know better than everyone. Good luck with that.
Porque Well, since you have no idea what good comedic acting is, your little opinion isn't worth anything. So run along, Sparky - I'm sure another Dumb and Dumber movie will be along shortly to amuse you.
@moos5221 Cute. But as I said, it's already KNOWN that legalizing weed reduces alcohol use. So your assumptions aren't correct, kiddo.
Why? What's the point? Wild meadow would be much prettier, and wouldn't take up all that water.
Doesn't matter. None of the keys have anything to do with the running mate.
Really? That's the saddest aspect for you?
@xtins Sure, because kids don't play on lawns or run around on them. Jeez, dude, think before you post.
@vylbird8014 And that makes your point make even less sense. What in the name of the gods does the size of a lawn have to do with how many people can live on a piece of property? You've yet to explain this.
@theguythatcoment Inorite? I'm wondering what he even means when he talks about a "lawn". I'm starting to think he means a golf course. 😆
@vylbird8014 AHAHAHA. Dude, NO property "needs" a lawn. Where did you get that idea? There are plenty of huge houses that have NO lawn and almost NO yard at all. Lawns are not in any way necessary. They are conceited affectations that waste land and water that could be MUCH better used. Jesus, you're such a shill.
@Bubble-Foam Use the entire lawn for what? You'll have to narrow it down more than that. I'm not a psychic, dude.
@moos5221 AHAHAHAHA Get your head out of the '40's, kiddo.
How far the New York Times has fallen.
Wait, what?? Twitler had NOT been "unrivalled" in crowd size. Are you kidding? His crowds have been pathetic. What are you guys on over there, and can I not have any of it ever?
Oh, we already know he's gonna do that. Believe me, the Capitol Police are not gonna be caught out this time.
Funny in a limited way. I would've just said, "let the record show that the deponent does not know what a photocopy machine is." The browbeating just wastes time.
Sure, if a drooling lunatic who can't find his own feet in the mornings is charismatic.
Oh, didn't know that! I tried to look up airdates but could only find references to it airing in Australia.
LOL, pretty pathetic attempt there, Sergei.
The Truth of the Matter No, sock puppets won't work, either.
The interesting part is HOW he does it.
You want to live in a country and enjoy its benefits, but you don't want to follow the rules that make that country function. Sounds like you want to be a leech. If you join an industry, you have to follow the rules of how that industry works in your country. Yes, if you sell outside the rules, you're doing black market work. Sorry, but them's the breaks of living in a society with other human beings. Don't like the rules? Then get involved and CHANGE THE RULES. Instead of whining about how OMG THE WORLD CHANGED. Yeah, the world changes. Deal with it.
joelius1 Blow me, Sparky.
Nathan Hoffmann Yeah, and they did that. Going on and on and on about it doesn't make the point any plainer.
Death to Pandas LOL, this from a worshipper of a demented narcissist who cannot find his way out of a sentence with five maps and a flashlight. You know, it's kind of cute how you guys telegraph your faults by accusing everyone else of them, but after the third time, you just start sounding like toddlers in a sandbox. I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?? That's PeeWee Herman logic. Which is why no one takes you seriously.