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Marc Padilla
FOX 5 New York
Comments by "Marc Padilla" (@marcpadilla1094) on "FOX 5 New York" channel.
Mental health issues don't matter if there's a pattern of violence or aggression. It's no excuse. There's nothing to feel sorry for except the victim.
You know its really safe for criminals when criminals don't fear other people have weapons to defend themselves.
Let's give all those high end apartments to the homeless. I'm sure Bob can spare a bedroom. Have a bunky.
NBC said he was just having a bad day.
Who is this guy. He just lost his mind on the job today and decided to comitt 2,3 felonies. Soft on crime. Lets hear the D.A.s excuse for this one.
Homeless youth. How'd we get there now. There are not enough beds. I imagine that should be the case. Family should be the first consideration. Most are probably single moms with sisters and brothers. Homelessness has really become a primer for further decline. It's continually increasing.
That's too bad. Bodegas serve their communities.
In NYC you can only buy two left feet.
What do we get for 5 finger discounts. If the cops even show up.
Kids back in the day thought Rikers was a rite of passage. It was the most exciting, exhilarating experience and if you survived it, you had major cred. Then it was up to Sing Sing, Danemorra, Clinton, for executive privilege. A career of three hots and a cot .
I think it was worse in the late 70s to mid 80s. During the Bernard Gaetz era. The whole city was a Slum. Trump kick started it back up.
Like the State is the DAs private practice. Private practice lawyers don't care if you're guilty or innocent. Their in it for themselves.
Legalized weed and Obamacare go together. By far our best ideas.
@paulsawczyc5019 Old?
@paulfierce Bodega owners represent the ruling class now🤣
It's their job to protect their investments cuz politicians incentivize crime. 🤣. Shifty,for sure.
Maybe going into the affordable housing business/ Oligarchy. I'm all for it. You will own nothing and be happy. Say bubye to gentrification.
Must be starting tomorrow.
Back ftom Wuhan.
At this point you want more people to consider self defense. Bullies and bullets on notice.
Not gonna compliment the D.A just for doing his job. Since when is that a headline.
Under represented on top of under employed. Pay Pete to pay Paul . Inevitably we're all under represented.
Being successful is a mortal threat. NY has the best Parole system in the world. He and jr. will no doubt get a second chance to perfect their craft.
Howdy neighbor.
At this point just killing ourselves with kindness. Enabling elitism, absolute power, and corruption all over the world while giving up our own rights and privelages ,needless to say the freedom to act on our own behalf - for pandering politicians to use against us.
I wanted to be there. Not feeling my best for this type of weather. We need to support law enforcement.
Getting better? As in hit bottom, the only way is up,i guess.
Ya think. Unconstitutional. Nahh. Just let unvetted, untallied, anybodys vote unregulated from not only here but anywhere in the world. Our politicians are getting slimier. Boss Tweed gone global.
Looks to me liket creating an aura of suspicion to base a conviction. Shake the tree to find something vredible.
Are u sure theyre even getting paid. They could be working for food and lodgings. They wouldnt be forthcoming with that info. Inflation and stagnant and slave wages. Who.are the property owners. Better not call Saul.
Hitchhiker. Why after so many times being convicted does someone continue to lie. Its about the action, the drama, between cops and robbers,i guess. Or they cant accept that theyre failures and need to make up a defiant delusion of us vs them to accept that the state needs to care for them. Different truths that uphold different narratives on a loop gaurantee both cops and robbers are engaged in a zero sum game of heroism .
Too bad they dont work for little or nothing or even praise
U ( system) want them desperate,off meds,and hopeless. Ive had a judgement against me for 100 dollars a month in arrears for 12 years without a problem. Only now that im approved for disability,NYS ,has decided to impose its own justice and put me in poverty. 12 years and only now that im on disability. Up to 65 percent of money they have not even paid me. Now the local office doesnt take walk ins. Since Minday and making full use of job scared minority bird digs to enforce arbitrary rule.
Thrive under responsible adults with high moral fortitude. A force multiplier.
Dysfunctional? Its for smart kids.Thats all.
Liberals have outdone even themselves. Create the conditions for high crime and then extort themselves into paying for security. How's that loving kindness working out for you. Kumbiya !
Alarming, really. So stoked on systemic racism, you got stupid. More stupid than the criminals. But hey throw em at us to save face you cowards.
What happens to all these fun and games when we don't even allow people to have sling shots. Long finger nails. Long finger nail violence is a scourge on humanity. Let me see your hands. Let me see your hands! Now. Oh no, officer shot a nail less man.! What will it take!
Good answer. Hey he set a precedent. Actually Dems have been doing it for generations. It's official, no vetting, Candidates run on problems and promises. Are we solving problems. I can't tell.
Identity politics cannot enforce the law objectively without heavy emotional baggage that excuses behavior as a personal investment in severe denial. Enabling is more in line with the current identity politics narrative and it is immensely popular with criminals.
Bigger portions. Thats progress.
Stats support feeling unsafe. Stats represent the reality. 47 percent increase in arrests means crime is up not down. This is semantics, talking in circles. Mental health is no excuse. Lifestyles, neglect, trauma, drive people insane. Minimizing it as some sort of birth defect ,sympathy, empathy, trigger doesn't help. Its enabling .
I.grew up in the late 70s and 80s. Crime was unstoppable in every borough everyday. Killing babies, old folk, each other, 3,4, times a day. And then the dope. Paddy wagons rolled up on corners and cops with boxes of warrants snatching people out of shooting galleries, dope lines ,and randomly.
The seasonal dollar in a Christmas card heist.
How are they working and im out of work. Everything people believe will happen with issues, happens. But its bigotry.
Great idea. Underground Culture. Get more people to engage with each other. Might make a difference. MTA has made improvements over the years that pushes the centuries old infrastructure beyond its capabilities. I remember 40,45, min norms .After hours, 1 hour or more. Rush hour was a stampede. Whatever you do don't fall.
Kids need all the space and rec to keep them busy.
Gonna be tough cracking down on knives. Guns on vacation or something.
Terrible situation.