Comments by "Travis Cutler" (@traviscutler9912) on "Trump’s 2024 Election Win — and What’s Next | TED Explains the World with Ian Bremmer" video.

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  2. Trump is the inevitable blowback of 40 years of Neoliberal DNC broken promises that has seen a massive decline in the standard of living of the overwhelming majority of Americans. I think the most important thing is to remember, all of Biden's broken 2020 campaign promises like a $15 minimum wage, public option for healthcare, not to issue any oil drilling on federal lands(Let alone the most ever), fully funded infrastructure package rather than gutting it for corporate oil lobbyists, voting rights act for George Floyd, not putting refugees in cages let alone keeping Trump's border policies, not one more mile of Trump's border wall (yup billions more), making Saudi Arabia's MBS pay for the murder of TWO American journalists, cynically cancelling student debt in a way that he knew SCOTUS would stop in a way he could cynically send people back to the polls. Once in government the DNC crushed the rail workers movement, forcing them back to work for the audacity of asking for a single day off?! continuing to ignore the Flint water crisis, also, let's not forget the absolute f**** tragedy that is East Palestine rail chemical disaster that the people there still continue to suffer from. Also, rather than trying to deal in a humane and sensible immigration reform, Biden totally capitulated to the far right view of further militarizing the border while not getting anything for people who've been in the country for decades, resolving nothing except to move the conversation towards the anti-immigration crowd. Expanding the military industrial complexes budget with zero accountability for the fact they don't know where the money went and expanding the nuclear Arsenal while dropping all of the non nuclear prolification agreements. I can keep going on and on and on but none of this should surprise anyone. Biden has been one of the most corporate captured and Republican friendly Senators of all time, with a record that shows nothing except total complicity in selling out the American people for political & personal gain. His administration is the perfect embodiment of the DNC's worldview, campaign to the center, Rule to the Right. Reward the donor's, ensure the protection of Israel so that Netanyahu can break every single possible crime against humanity. Biden undermined any possible peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia costing hundreds of thousands of lives on both sides , which at the end of this I guarantee will be the exact same place as to where the original land agreement was.. Oh, yeah, let's not forget the only thing that he was involved in with Obama that actually was helpful, like normalization of relations with Cuba, or Iran?!? Once elected he didn't do anything on those fronts either because it was more important to him to ingratiate himself with right-wing corporate media than to spend political capital on the things he campaigned on to do the right thing that would have actually helped the people in those countries as well as the USA in terms of trade and having any, what's so f**** ever credibility on the world stage?!?! Could you imagine how much more important it would be to have Iran in the world economic system right now so that they had something to lose?!?? I get why the DNC pushed him over Bernie Sanders, clearly Biden's hubris and ignorance was easy to manipulate his foreign policy agenda in the Israeli direction unlike Obama, who was smarter than that. The fact Biden was an avowed "Zionist" was just icing on the cake! Unfortunately, Hamas 's October 7th attack totally destroyed Netanyahu's narrative that his support of Hamas as a way to destabilize Palestine as a whole would guarantee the greater security to everyone in the region was proven extremely false, now sadly those chickens have come home to roost for not only all of those slaughtered children, but the rest of us who have to deal with the policy failures of a demented old man & The DNC political establishment that prioritized its own personal gains, profit and exploitation of the region over the geopolitical goals of the states for the next hundred years. I bring all this up because of his first choice as president, he picked Kamala Harris as his running mate. My belief is that it was because she was a failure running for president and he knew that he was such a weak candidate that he couldn't withstand any kind of political talent from anyone else, whatsoever and she certainly fulfilled that goal. Also, the DNC knew that she was such a weak candidate as well, that she would never, under any circumstances talk back or have any kind of spine or political beliefs whatsoever that could complicate their commitment to the donor class. More importantly, Kamala would n't have any shame whatsoever because she believes in nothing at all. The DNC had assembled the perfect team of ambition without ideology, an ability to change opinion on fundamental issues without a hint of shame and most importantly of all, a complete and total disregard for everyone except for themselves. Obviously, the DNC knew that this would be extremely unpalatable to the American people, but Trump is the gift that keeps on giving! His total disregard for the norms which give the false pretense that Washington DC isn't just a total grift to extract $ from the working class while giving it to the 1% and ensuring that they never, under any circumstance, ever, pay any consequences for their incompetence, corruption and or complete and total criminality in terms of hundreds, if not millions of people's lives. Unfortunately, Trump's grotesque incompetence, paled in comparison to the DNC's choice to TWICE cheat the American people out of their ACTUAL legitimate choice Bernie Sanders & forced literally the worst neoliberalism corporate HACK of ALL TIME Corporate Joe in a desperate attempt to use Trump's incompetence to hide their total contempt for the working classes rejection of the Neoliberal agenda. Trump is the inevitable blowback to 40 years of neoliberalism brought to you by the DNC and they're failure to deliver the basics. If the party of "democracy" only manages to ever deliver a declining living standard and identity politics instead of the material well being of Americans it's no wonder that they have rejected those obviously empty promises. Sadly, at some point voter will try the strong man and hope that maybe he delivers when "their people have sold them out consistently for 40 years". Trump won't of course but that's the consequence we all have to suffer for the greed hubris of the Democratic party. WORST of ALL the DNC DID THIS ON PURPOSE, If they won then they're neoliberal agenda would be confirmed and celebrated while the billionaire donor class collected their Pound of flesh. However, if they lost then Trump would also reward the billionaire donors with not only taxes but reduced regulation and best of all a way, to drive fear into the hearts of all workers that if they don't support the neoliberal agenda of the Democrats, they will be thrown to the Neoconservative GOP wolves!!! The system works.