Comments by "S. Tokio" (@sergiytokio7295) on "Russian officer reveals why he quit Putin's war" video.
Dovboy * bi is not an insulting name, to be them is the fate of Russians
The whole world is enemies, the ring is closing, the Nazis are advancing, the British are shitting, Russia is the homeland of beaver and justice, the stronghold of the world's mind. Biolaboratories, Ukrainians sold out, enslaved Slavs, n * mercenary games bombed Donbas for 8 years, NATO at the gates. Enchanting dovboy * bi.
It is useless to argue. What was the brain was replaced by patriotism in a liquid and smelly form.
Ordinary Ukrainian IT specialists, plumbers, waiters, engineers, office managers, and businessmen are raising Russian money. Smoke so that the remnants of the "liberators" can be collected from the tank tower with a teaspoon.
The whole crew will fit in a jar of baby food.
Ah, yes ... You, damn it, are at war with NATO! Are you sorry to receive poodles from Ukraine, and honorable from NATO? Well, ok. Let there be NATO. The main thing is to be fucked wherever you appear.
The rest doesn't matter at all. Dovboy * bi is not an offensive name, to be them is your destiny.
Dovboy * bi is not an insulting name, to be them is the fate of Russians
The whole world is enemies, the ring is closing, the Nazis are advancing, the British are shitting, Russia is the homeland of beaver and justice, the stronghold of the world's mind. Biolaboratories, Ukrainians sold out, enslaved Slavs, n * mercenary games bombed Donbas for 8 years, NATO at the gates. Enchanting dovboy * bi.
It is useless to argue. What was the brain was replaced by patriotism in a liquid and smelly form.
Ordinary Ukrainian IT specialists, plumbers, waiters, engineers, office managers, and businessmen are raising Russian money. Smoke so that the remnants of the "liberators" can be collected from the tank tower with a teaspoon.
The whole crew will fit in a jar of baby food.
Ah, yes ... You, damn it, are at war with NATO! Are you sorry to receive poodles from Ukraine, and honorable from NATO? Well, ok. Let there be NATO. The main thing is to be fucked wherever you appear.
The rest doesn't matter at all. Dovboy * bi is not an offensive name, to be them is your destiny.
Довбой*би – це не образлива назва, бути ними – це доля росіян
Весь світ – вороги, кільце замикається, нацисти наступають, англійка гадить, Росія – батьківщина бобра та справедливості, оплот світового розуму. Біолабораторії, українці продалися, оскоплені слов'яни, н*гри-найманці бомблять Донбас 8 років, НАТО біля воріт. Феєричні довбой*би. Сперечатися марно. Те, що було мозком, замінилося патріотизмом у рідкому і смердючому вигляді.
П*здять російську наволоч прості українські айтішники, водопровідники, офіціанти, інженери, офіс-менеджери, бізнесмени. Палять так, що залишки "визволителів" можна з танкової башти чайною ложечкою зібрати. Весь екіпаж якраз у баночку від дитячого харчування поміститься.
Ах, так... Ви ж, довбой*би, з НАТО воюєте! Вам отримувати п*здюлі від України прикро, а від НАТО почесно? Ну, ок. Нехай буде НАТО. Головне, щоб вас п*здили скрізь, де ви з'являєтеся.
Решта зовсім не має значення. Довбой*би – це не образлива назва, бути ними – це ваша доля.
Dovboy * bi is not an insulting name, to be them is the fate of Russians
The whole world is enemies, the ring is closing, the Nazis are advancing, the British are shitting, Russia is the homeland of beaver and justice, the stronghold of the world's mind. Biolaboratories, Ukrainians sold out, enslaved Slavs, n * mercenary games bombed Donbas for 8 years, NATO at the gates. Enchanting dovboy * bi.
It is useless to argue. What was the brain was replaced by patriotism in a liquid and smelly form.
Ordinary Ukrainian IT specialists, plumbers, waiters, engineers, office managers, and businessmen are raising Russian money. Smoke so that the remnants of the "liberators" can be collected from the tank tower with a teaspoon.
The whole crew will fit in a jar of baby food.
Ah, yes ... You, damn it, are at war with NATO! Are you sorry to receive poodles from Ukraine, and honorable from NATO? Well, ok. Let there be NATO. The main thing is to be fucked wherever you appear.
The rest doesn't matter at all. Dovboy * bi is not an offensive name, to be them is your destiny.
Dovboy * bi is not an insulting name, to be them is the fate of Russians
The whole world is enemies, the ring is closing, the Nazis are advancing, the British are shitting, Russia is the homeland of beaver and justice, the stronghold of the world's mind. Biolaboratories, Ukrainians sold out, enslaved Slavs, n * mercenary games bombed Donbas for 8 years, NATO at the gates. Enchanting dovboy * bi.
It is useless to argue. What was the brain was replaced by patriotism in a liquid and smelly form.
Ordinary Ukrainian IT specialists, plumbers, waiters, engineers, office managers, and businessmen are raising Russian money. Smoke so that the remnants of the "liberators" can be collected from the tank tower with a teaspoon.
The whole crew will fit in a jar of baby food.
Ah, yes ... You, damn it, are at war with NATO! Are you sorry to receive poodles from Ukraine, and honorable from NATO? Well, ok. Let there be NATO. The main thing is to be fucked wherever you appear.
The rest doesn't matter at all. Dovboy * bi is not an offensive name, to be them is your destiny.
Dovboy * bi is not an insulting name, to be them is the fate of Russians
The whole world is enemies, the ring is closing, the Nazis are advancing, the British are shitting, Russia is the homeland of beaver and justice, the stronghold of the world's mind. Biolaboratories, Ukrainians sold out, enslaved Slavs, n * mercenary games bombed Donbas for 8 years, NATO at the gates. Enchanting dovboy * bi.
It is useless to argue. What was the brain was replaced by patriotism in a liquid and smelly form.
Ordinary Ukrainian IT specialists, plumbers, waiters, engineers, office managers, and businessmen are raising Russian money. Smoke so that the remnants of the "liberators" can be collected from the tank tower with a teaspoon.
The whole crew will fit in a jar of baby food.
Ah, yes ... You, damn it, are at war with NATO! Are you sorry to receive poodles from Ukraine, and honorable from NATO? Well, ok. Let there be NATO. The main thing is to be fucked wherever you appear.
The rest doesn't matter at all. Dovboy * bi is not an offensive name, to be them is your destiny.
Dovboy * bi is not an insulting name, to be them is the fate of Russians
The whole world is enemies, the ring is closing, the Nazis are advancing, the British are shitting, Russia is the homeland of beaver and justice, the stronghold of the world's mind. Biolaboratories, Ukrainians sold out, enslaved Slavs, n * mercenary games bombed Donbas for 8 years, NATO at the gates. Enchanting dovboy * bi.
It is useless to argue. What was the brain was replaced by patriotism in a liquid and smelly form.
Ordinary Ukrainian IT specialists, plumbers, waiters, engineers, office managers, and businessmen are raising Russian money. Smoke so that the remnants of the "liberators" can be collected from the tank tower with a teaspoon.
The whole crew will fit in a jar of baby food.
Ah, yes ... You, damn it, are at war with NATO! Are you sorry to receive poodles from Ukraine, and honorable from NATO? Well, ok. Let there be NATO. The main thing is to be fucked wherever you appear.
The rest doesn't matter at all. Dovboy * bi is not an offensive name, to be them is your destiny.