Comments by "No Fate But What We Make" (@SonoftheAllfather) on ""Justice-Involved Person" the New Felon in San Francisco" video.
The 6 step process of creating socialist Hell projects in White nations:
Indoctrination, legislation, invasion, devastation, exacerbation, White migration.
1.) Indoctrination: mostly White, conservative and capitalist population of a city is indoctrinated with libtardation and socialism.
2.) Legislation: indoctrinated population votes for legislators who enact libtarded and socialist policies.
3.) Invasion: new libtarded and socialist policies attract and enable the invasion of Third Worlders, nonwhites, and the dregs of society (bums, drug addicts, thieves, the mentally ill)
4.) Devastation: new population begins to destroys the once safe, functional and productive city.
5.) Exacerbation: in response to the devastation, politicians increase libtarded/socialist policies instead of decreasing them, thereby attracting more and more undesirables who will keep them in power.
6.) White migration: the indoctrinated libtarded socialist Whites having learned nothing, begin to flee the Hell project they created and migrate to other mostly White, conservative, capitalist cities and...
Repeat step 1.