Comments by "gary K" (@garyK.45ACP) on "7th grader in Gardner, Illinois says school bully attacked her during gym class" video.
My son rode his bicycle to school every day. One day, in 2nd grade, he suddenly didn't want to ride to school anymore and asked me to take him. Why? I pressed him until he said he was getting shaken down for his lunch money by a bully at the bike racks every morning.
I said "you're going to ride your bike to school and if this guy shakes you down, you punch him in the nose as hard as you can" I added: "Don't tell him you will punch him...JUST DO IT! Immediately. No words, just PUNCH" He left for school.
About 20 minutes later I got a call from the Principal's office. "Your son punched another boy in the eye, he says you told him to" I answered, "I told him to punch him in the nose. He missed" I was told my son would have to serve detention. I said "Good, he should be punished for punching people"
When he came home, he said "Dad, I got in trouble" I said "Sure you did. You did what you had to do, the Principal did what he had to do. What's the problem? Now it's over"
The bully went running when he took a hit in the face. No, the bully didn't stop being a bully...but he never, EVER bothered MY SON again. And MY SON was never, ever bothered by a bully, ANY bully again.
You do not have to be bigger and stronger than the bully, you only have to be bigger and stronger than another potential victim.