Comments by "gary K" (@garyK.45ACP) on "WOW. "Democrats Issued BIG F**K YOU To Black Lives Matter" Says BLM Leader! 99-0 VOTE To REBUKE BLM!" video.

  1. Watch carefully. The bill, with amendments, now heads to the House. Despite all the speechifying and posturing in the Senate...I fully expect the House to strip out these two amendments (cutting off funds to cities who defund police and the CRT ban) in debate. They will not be in the House passed version of the bill. It will then go to conference committee (behind closed doors) where you should not expect any posturing (or hugging) by Senator Booker or Manchin. The complete bill, without these amendments, will be presented for a vote in the Senate and pass...without these amendments. You doubt me? Don't. Manchin and Booker and the others got their day in the sun and Liberal Hivemind helped. Why do they do this? Simple. Senators are elected "at large". The whole state gets to vote for them. There are no Gerrymandered Senate "districts". No "safe" districts in a Senate race. Booker and Manchin have to publicly appeal to every voter. They just did. They did so, knowing their compatriots (comrades?) in the House will "fix it" for them. Booker will have something to appeal to the people of NJ who don't want to defund the police, but the amendment won't survive, so the people who want to defund the police, still can. The Senators get re-elected (the US Congress has a lower turnover rate than the "Supreme Soviet" had during the USSR) This happens all the time at state and federal levels. Good example...Louisiana Constitutional Carry Bill. The Democrat Governor announced early in the process, he would veto any bill passed by the legislature. This gives Democrats from strong pro-2A districts the "green light" to vote for the bill and claim to have supported it..."See, I voted for that there bill. Yesiree Bob!" The Governor then vetoed the Bill and the Legislature fails to convene an override session. Voila!!!!!!!!! There is no Constitutional Carry, but the Legislators will all tell their voters they voted for it in their re-election campaign. Nothing is done until it is done...and this mess ain't even close to being done!