Comments by "gary K" (@garyK.45ACP) on "Video shows 3 women ram car and smash its windows with driver inside in SoCal l ABC7" video.
@CantOutRunADuck I gave you the statute that you said did not exist in any state. If a person in their car, or any other place they are legally permitted to be, has a reasonable belief they are in imminent danger of death or severe bodily injury OR the perpetrators are in the process of a forcible felony, the use of deadly force is justified.
Do you dispute that?
Your characterization of the incident as "slapping her car" is irrelevant. It is what the victim has "reasonable belief" of that matters.
As we saw very clearly, in the Kyle Rittenhouse AND the George Zimmerman trials where they killed their attackers...they have no duty to convince a jury they had reasonable is the prosecutions' job to prove they DID NOT have reasonable belief. And as the jury instructions in both cases, and many others, were given, it does not matter whether the "reason" turned out to be true or not, ONLY that it was "reasonable" in that moment for that person. And that must be decided by a jury, by a unanimous decision
This video would be all a young woman would need to destroy any prosecutor's case that she DID NOT have reasonable belief she was in danger or that a forcible felony was about to occur.
When you have 36 years in criminal trials experience, come back and we'll talk.