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Hindu Rashtra
The Young Turks
Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "Hitler Store In India Sparks Outrage" video.
The British oppressed and Terrorized India for centuries, So by this same logic, Do you see Indians object or find offense to every Store named "Elizabeth" or "British Flag symbols" everywhere they see ? Do you know how ridiculous this would sound ? What's history is history, It is time to move on, Perhaps the world should learn this from the Indians, who were the most oppressed Nation due to European Colonization, Yet they did not sit around crying about it, They moved on..
There is nothing called Aryan Lol. It's just a stupid Myth made by Hitler and believed by people with a Superiority complex, Mostly racists. There was never an Aryan invasion to begin with, This was a Myth by Westerners. The word Aryan has it's origin in Sanskrit, An Ancient Indo-European language meaning "Noble" or "Respected".
Bullshit, None of the Modern Inventions have ever been mentioned in any Hindu Scriptures or have their origin in Hinduism. Quit claiming bullshit just like those crazy Muslims do, Saying "Everything" comes from Quran.
Swastika is the Indian equivalent of "Yin Yang". In fact some suggest they both are related and have common origin.
To people who don;t know this, At the height of the World War, more than 2.5 million Indian troops were fighting Axis forces around the globe. The British used Indians for their Dirty work, People don't even know about this !
Swastika means "Swa" & "Asti" derived from an ancient Indian language, Sanskrit. It simply means "Blessings and Good Wishes to Everyone". It was considered as a Symbol of Luck, It still is in India and China where you see Swastika symbols adoring front doors as a Blessing.
Yes, Most Indians don't bother or know much about Hitler, Stalin or Mao. India is a very enclosed Nation, We have our own things to bother about. It's like expecting Chinese to know about American History..
India was the only Nation in History that sheltered Jews since Roman Era without even the slightest kind of Hate or Persecution. I dare anyone to look for a even a single case of Jew Persecution or Hatred in India since the past 2000 years. While these Christians and Muslims were busy persecuting them because they still consider Jews as Christ killers, They dare accuse or even think Indians as being antisemitic.. LOL
And you expect most Indian people to have access to Google or Computers ? Lol
I doubt that guy even knew what Hitler did.. Most of Indians don't even know who Hitler is or have a limited knowledge about him. People in India don't vilify someone, Like the West. Further, How can you expect the whole world to know about what happens in the West ? It's not like us Indians even study about Hitler in their History classes, We have other subjects in History classes, Not much about the World Wars..
99.97% People in India don't even know who Nazis were or about the Holocaust.. Just go ask a common man in India about Hitler, you'll find out. India is a totally world apart from Europe and had nothing to do with World Wars. This would be the equivalent of few Japanese people going on the streets of U.S and asking who the Japanese Tyrant Emperor - "Nobunaga" was and the crimes he committed on Japanese people.. Do you know anything at all about Nobunaga ?
Most of Indian Jews themselves have never even heard of words like Holocaust or Anti Semitism, These are Alien concepts to them..
What's funny is most Indians would actually not notice anything wrong with his store. In India, No one gives a shit about Hitler or Mao or Stalin or whoever, Hitler is some famous name, That's it ! However, Say the "H" word in the West and you are immediately branded an Anti Semite Lol.. Gotta love Western values of Critical thinking, Tolerance and Freedom of Expression.
2.5 Million Indians fought in World War 2, Sacrificing their lives to preserve Western Democracy, Though Democracy was denied to Indians at that time. I would say TYT did not bother to look into this information.. Those are the forgotten heroes of World War II whom few have even heard of..
Swastika is a Hindu-Buddhist symbol. Not just India but it can be found in whole of Asia, China and Japan too..
2.5 Million Indians fought on the side of Britain ensuring that Western Democracy would survive, They fought for the Freedom of all Europeans, Even though Freedom was never granted to India by the British during that time. And in return, Morons today think Indians supported the Axis.. Gotta love how History has rewarded these brave men who volunteered to fight under the British against the Nazis..
Go ask a random guy in China who Hitler was. I'll give you $ 500 if you get a decent Reply LOL.. Just to prove my point of how most Asians don't even know about World Wars that were a major event in the West but not necessary event in the East..
Again, You would never understand what I mean because India never really had much to do with WWII, Most of the wars fought were on a totally different continent away on the other side of the world, Which never affected India in the least bit. It is similar to asking an American about the Japanese Emperor Nobunaga - A Japanese Warlord who was famous for his oppressive rule. I bet 99% of Americans don't even have a clue regarding who he was.
Anyone who thinks that guy purposely named his Store "Hitler" to offend someone must be stupid. Indians don't even get to read about "Hitler" or World Wars in their History classes. Would Americans read about Indian, Chinese or Japanese History ? Similarly, Events like World Wars were important for the West but nor for India..
Yea, That's because Indian History Lessons in School are neutral and they don't demonize anyone and fill people with prejudice against any Race or Person. We just study History like History and not like a systematic brainwashing that would judge who is evil or who was good.
Not really, There are Islamic Named stores all over India and Majority don't mind. Infact Muslim named stores are popular in India, Among mostly Hindus. I'll tell you why this happened, The concept of Absolute Evil is absent in India. No one considers anyone to be Absolutely Evil like in India in general. We don't vilify people, It's the West that does that.. Indians are more tolerant and think Past is Past..
Yes, Gandhi met Hitler before the World War II, Churchill met Hitler before the War, Hugo Boss even designed Nazi Suits. However all this was before Hitler started his Political Campaign and Nazi Ideology. Go read History instead of concluding stupid things before even realizing the context of events that took place. Because Gandhi met Hitler, It makes him his friend ? You sound like a 5 year old.
Well, You are wrong. I didn't know anything about Hitler when I was in Highschool here in India. There is actually no mention of "Hitler" in any Text books in the 10th Grade. You can check the Text Books in India if you would like, They just teach about the World Wars and stuff like that, No mention of Hitler. It is upto people to find out about this and in India where Internet is only available to some 4% of the Population, It isn't hard to believe that not many people in India know Hitler..