Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "Ayaan Hirsi Ali : "We Are At War With Islam"" video.
Anthony Serocco Ayan Hirsi Ali, Who was a victim of Islamic Misogyny - Female Genital mutilation as a child, who underwent Islamic Brainwashing by her Family, Abuse at the hands of Islamic Clerics who tutored her as a kid, Violence and beatings from her very own Mother and deeply religious Family and a victim of Forced Marriage & Death Threats from Danish Muslims looks like a war mongerer to you ?
How dare you say this filth with a straight face and expect no one to expose your bullshit ? Have you even read any of her books before making such comments on her ? If anything, Ayan Hirsi Ali is one of the few people to represent and have an opinion about Muslims and Islamic culture because she was once an extremely Devout Muslim herself and has lived in more than Five Different Islamic Nations throughout her life.
She knows everything about Islam, inside and out, She wasn't one of those people from the West that acted Muslim but wasn't, She lived many years of her life as a devout Muslim, wore the Islamic veil and attended an Islamic school and even took part in extremist Islamic rallies.
I think you are just a Butt-hurt Muslim who doesn't like people like Ayan Hirsi Ali exposing Islam for what it really is... A Cancer to the Human society, the sooner we wipe-out Islam from the Planet, the better !!!