Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "Buses Forced To Run Disgusting Anti-Semtic Ads" video.
I'm an Atheist and despise all religions but let me ask you guys an honest question -
Why does TYT always immediately point to "Christian" videos when we hear something about Islamic Terrorism ? I agree that Christianity was worse than Islam, few centuries ago but today Christianity is quite a tamed version of what it once was.
Today, what's relevant is the fact that Islam is the only religion that continues to inspire violence and terrorism. Terrorist groups all over the world exist, No its not American foreign policy decisions, No its not invasion of Afghanistan or Iraq, Islamic Terrorists exist in all corners of the world, Even in Nations like China, India, Philippines, Thailand and Russia which have nothing to do with "America's foreign policy decisions".
Pointing this out is not being an "Islamophobe", It's just called "Being Honest".
Mr Kajja Just to prove my point,
Here are the Islamic Terrorist attacks for the past 5 days :
April 4th - (Deri Ghazi Khan, Pakistan) - One person is killed when Islamic militants attack a school.
April 4th - (Kabul, Afghanistan) - One other person is killed when a Shahid suicide bomber attacks a civilian bus.
April 2nd - (Diyala, Iraq) - Five women are among seven passengers torn to shreds by a Mujahid blast on a bus.
April 1st - (Baiji, Iraq) - Sixteen Iraqis are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
April 1st - (Benghazi, Libya) - Three medics are exterminated by a suspected Ansar al-Sharia mortar round.
March 30th - (Madain, Iraq) - Three people at a cafe are obliterated in mid-bite by suicide bombers.
Now can you show me the Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or Sikh equivalent of these terrorist attacks ?
Didn't find many for the past 5 days ?
How about the past 5 Years ?
Didn't find many for the past 5 Years ?
How about the past 50 Years ?
How can you not see this apparent difference in Statistics ?
If you are saying all religions are equally violent TODAY, you are just lying to yourself.