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Hindu Rashtra
Asian Boss
Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "Asian Boss" channel.
@simonbrown7455 I don't think so, Britain is still discussing Indian Issues in its Parliament, Like our recent Farm Reforms Bill. The BBC recently made a Propaganda Documentary on our PM Modi. We don't like this attitude from Britain of constant interference into our Nation's affairs. This is opne thing we dislike of Western Nations.
Why are we Indians the only people discussing our National issues on a Foreign Channel ? I don't see China, Japan or Koreans discussing their internal Matters on Channels similar to this. Many of us Educated and Libreal Indians suffer from Inferiority complex and feel the need to be recognized by the Westerner world, We should not even discuss anything related to india with Foreigners. Not their Bussiness.
There is nothing wrong with calling it Mainland. It means there are parts which are different from Mainland (Like Maldives, Andaman) etc. People use the same term for America and China - Mainland America and Mainland China.
3 Things i think of S.Korea on Top of my head as an Indian : Gagnam Style, People eating live Aniamls, Speaking in an exaggeratedd accent
Yoiu can't stereotype any Religious people. All Religions have Good, Bad and Ugly..
The Bible promotes and teaches Slavery, Althought Christians have stoppe this practice, It should still be condemned even today. How do you feel knowing 200 Million Africans were bought and sold by America - A Nation founded by Christain settlers from 16th to 18th Century ? Its Infamously called - "trans atlantic slave trade".
No one eats Dog meat in America either. Do you see Dog Meat Restaurants in America ? Hell no, Human Rights Activists would be outraged and Cops would come over and close down your Business and PETA would take you to Court, You will be shamed and humiliated in Media and News Channels if you tried opening a Dog Meat Restaurant. Why do you think this Double standard exists in Society - Dogs are Pets and Cows are Meat ? Because Western Civilization gets to decide which animal is Food and which animal is Pet. Sorry, Here in India Cows are like our Pets, We don't eat them. Kindly respect our Civilizational Food habits, Culture and Religions. Hindus don't eat Beef, Muslims don't eat Pork.
Islam and Christianity have "Slavery" instead. Arabs and Turks traded Millions of Indian ad African Slaves and captured enemy women as Sex Slaves for the Harems of Islamic Kings. All ths happened at the height of "Golden Ages of Islam". Slavery (Buying and selling of Humans) is 100 times worse than Caste system (Discriminating people based on their identity) and what makes it even ore disgusting is God supports Slavery in Quran and Bible and speaks nothign to ban or stop it.
Of course they do, My Family is Mixed. I'm supposed to be from a Higher caste but half of my Relatievs are from Lower Caste, My Aunts, Cousins have all married from Lower Castes. We don't care anymore, Caste system is clolse to dying and will be extinct in 1 or 2 decades.
Its not Inter-fath love, Its Love Jihad - Where a Victim is always a Hindu Teenager who if honey trapped and forced to convert to marry a Muslim man. How many Hindu - Sikh and Hindu - Christian marriages happen ? No one cares. Because they happen both ways. But in this case - A Marriage between Hindu - Muslim, The opposite is never allowed. it is this that people are against !!!
I am a Brahmin fair skinned Guy. No doubt, I will find and marry a Dark skinned and Good natured beautiful Dalit girl and I want my kids to be dark skinned Kids. See my point ? its our individual choice. No one tells us who to marry. Caste system is dying its natural death and will no longer exist in next 2 decads as new generation will reject the old ways. There will be only one caste - Hindu in coming days in Hindu Rashtra. We will make Dr Ambedkar's dream possible in this Century !!!
Those Erotic Art exist only on the outsides of a Temple to send a message - To stop being distracted by Worldly pleasures before entering the Inner sanctum of a God.
Northern Chinese people look Russian, Especially Manchurians.
And yet, America still was involved in Trans- Atlantic Slave trade which reportedly bought and sold upto 170 Million Africans over 3 Centuries. Embarassing eh ? Till 1960s, Your Freedom and Liberty only applied to White people. You would have continued with it, If it wasn't for Black people themselve vs who demaded to be treated equally.
India is a Sub-continent, It has White, Yellow, Brown and Black skinned people. Not all Indians look the same. These people are descendants of Ancient Tibetan and Chinese people who settled in Ancient India and formed Kingdoms within India. Its similar to how Eastern Europeans sometimes have Asiatic features.
25 shoule be minimum age of Marriage, 50 should be minimum age for Voting. You are basically putting the Future of your Nation in hands of 18 Year olds, If you want to put it that way. I rather people who have lived for 2 Generations and seen the Good, Bad and Ugly aspects of Politics decide the Future of my Country.
Imagine merging this guy's Brain with an A.I..
@cod3r3d63 Stupid Vegans did not spread COVID, Meat Eaters did !!! Just another reason to ban all MEAT. You can deny it now but sooner or later Mankind will realize it that killing any Animal was wrong. Vegetarianism is the wya to go, Since Veganism is not viable to sustain ourselves. We need Egg and Milk.
Yes, Why should someone be forced to imagine something they don't like ? Would you go ask a Muslim, Imagine what a Pork tastes like or go interview an American on what Dog meat tastes like ? They would be like - "Eww, Whats wrong with you Weirdo ? Leave me alone". But White people if they say this is ok, Muslims have right to be respected for not eating Pork. Only Hindus in India need to be mocked and harassed for not eating Beef i guess ? What kind of crappy Logic is this ?
Yes, Because Kerala was Colonized by Foreigners for a long time. Its been so long that Natives forgot their own Culture and embraced Foreign habits, Nothing to be Proud of. It just shows rest of India is more Indian than people of Kerala who have lost their own Culture, Civilization and Identity.
The Ones India exports are Buffaloes, Now Cows. Cow export has dropped since BJP has come to Power since 2014. Hindus are not hypocrites, You are simply mis-informed and spreading the same mis-information everywhere, That is all.
Even from a Constitutional Perspective, Democracy is Will of Majority and Majority gets to decide how their Nation ought to be run, There is nothing wrong in this. Just in case you didn't know, its not RSS or BJP that has imposed Beef Ban in the Indian Constitution, It was Gandhi. Gandhi sat in Protest during British rule and got the Beef Ban law to be passed in 1920s. It was never enforced properly under Previous Corrupt Congress Govt because of their appeasement politics, This Govt of Modi is merely implementing Gandhis Beef Ban.
Americans love Dog Meat i heard. Indians should try starting Dog Meat Restaurant and see how Americans like it over there.
No one eats Dog meat in America either. Do you see Dog Meat Restaurants in America ? Hell no, Human Rights Activists would be outraged. Why do you think this Double standard exists in Society ? Because Weserenrs get to decide whats meat and whats a Pet.
We Indians see ourselves as part of Humanity. We are not into the West and East Conflict or Classification, Which means we don't care about being Asian. We live in Asian Continent, We are Indians.
5 Races of Humanity : White, Black, Native American, Mongoloid and Pacific Islander. India is home to 4 of the above Races except the Native Americans.
You are brainwashed into American Propaganda then. The West used to make Great Movies and Series, But lately there has been a lot of Propaganda and Politics disguised as Movies by Netflix, To further Agenda against India.