Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "DNAIndiaNews" channel.

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  21. The Communits wanted a Peasant Uprising to divide the Society into Rich and Poor, So they inventd the story of Caste system and Persecution. I agree there were some prejudices, But there was no National level persecution of people in Ancient India. How do we know ? Read the accounts of Chinese Travellers to India like Hieun Tsang or Fa Hien who stayed in India for 20 years or more. They never desribe any Conflict between any Castes, Let along any Discrimination. Instead, they describe how everybody were Free men and never sujugated or enslaved, The People were free to roam around from oen Kingdom to another. The only mention one finds is that of Forest Dwellers who were not allowed into the City Gates. But yet, They were treated like Humans, Paid Regular wages and hired for Labour (Like Mercenaries in Ancient Armies). Either way, The Myth of 2000 Years of Caste Discrimination is fictional Invention of Communists and Leftists as during the Gupta era, We see no such records. Gupt era was 300 ~ 450 C.E. Islamic Invasiosn started as early as 720 C.E and lasted till 1800s with death of Last Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar. So if there was any Prejudice or Discrimination, It was most a result of Arab Invaders and Islamic Influence of Slavery and Racism, Which were broguht here to India, Not to mention even more becauserof Brirtish and Portugese, Castas beign a Spanish word afterall. Arabs and British, Both trade in Africans as Slaves in Millions for 1000s of years and sold them in Markets from Kandahar to Damascuys to Delhi. So one has to wonder why so much emphasis on Caste system when it is not even proven while we have Histprical Proof of Slavery in both Christianiy and Islam ? Whats even worse is Slavery is perfctly acceptable in both Bible and Quran. There were no Wars in Ancient India between Castes, in-fact India's Greatest Kings were Shudras, Including Chandra Gupta Mauirya, Born to a Poor Potter Shudra. On the other hand, I can show ypu Dozens of Slavve Wars in Islamic Nations and Christian Nations of Europe. Who really were the Racists and Slave Traders ? Not the HIndus.
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