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Hindu Rashtra
Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "euronews" channel.
Good job India, Ignore the barking dogs. All the world's Nations were once developing and had Poverty half a century ago, This did not mean they halted their Scientific Progress.
The West was prosperous as long as they had Asian Migrants and Indian Migrants for decades. The problems staretd with importing of North African and Middle Easern Migrants.
I really admire Japanese. They have their own problems like the recent Earthquakes and Floods, Still they send troops to help other Nations :)
For some reason, All Islamic Nations or Nations with Muslims are troubled regions. God knows why.
I would be like - "Yes you are, now shut the ** up" and slam the phone thinking it's a prank caller xD
The things poor Communists have to deal with :(
Right, A White guy talking about Poverty, Something that never existed in Asia till the Europeans Plundered and Colonized Asian Nations, Stealing all the resources and using it to fund their "Industrial Revolution". Look at your own backward "First world" Nations in 20 years from now, Asia & Africa prospers and your trash Europe / America sink in an ocean of Poverty / Debt.
The there is another Crusade, It is not just the Christians this time, But all other Religious people will join in getting rid of Islam for good. Everyone is sick of Islam, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Atheists.
tfhssn North Korea's Military isn't even rated among the Top 10 Military powers.. How can they even stand up against #1 Military Power in the world - USA ? All they can do is threaten the world into thinking they are powerful, They have mostly 80s Soviet Era technology and are inferior to most modernized nations.
Fuck Palestinians ! Fuck Hamas ! Fuck Hezbullah ! Fuck Al Qaeda ! Long Live Israel & Jews that continue to contribute to the world & humanity !
Quick, Give it a Japanese name before the Chinese claim it as theirs Lol..
Looks like they are happy :D Leave them there for a while.. No need to rescue..
As an Indian, I stand with Israel, No explanations needed at all !!! Muslims here in India (Kashmir) throw stones too often and riot, most of the time injuring the Police force only to later claim victims when the Police strike back.. We are all too familiar with this pattern of stone throwing and hooliganism, which ends up with them claiming to be mere victim.. Israel has every right to defend itself from aggressors !!!
Here's George Jetson :D
Stop ruining people from having their fun.. Lol Whats "fun" for you might not exactly be"fun" for others.
@P4KiiST4N Yes, the whole rally was organised by Americans and Jews. Maybe Israel was behind this too Lol
Hamad Sadoun Oh I wont be the one that will die. Long Live Israel, Death to Palestine, Hamaz and all Islamic terrorists !!!
@mohsinmaqboolranjha Interesting to hear of India being called a Third world by a Pakistani Lol What does that make Pakistan ? Oh I rather not think Lol
Eh, Don't be fucking racists ! It's Islamic Culture, They enjoy different kind of Sport, Respect the differences :)
Why don't they seal it from the top to make it weatherproof :o ?
+hotmailcombk Its Russian Muslims you idiot.. They attack even Russia !
U.K needs to look up it's Random Number Generator Software that they use for the Lottery.. LMAO
+maulidin matsuyama Palestine doesnt exist, its a fake claim to a land that never belonged to them. All Palestinians must move to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen and Syria and let the Jews live in their own land..
Inbreeding, Sadism, Lunacy, Anger, Madness..
Your Prophet beheaded 600 Jews from Banu Quraiza and killed all Teens. So I can imagine Hamas would behead babaies, Followers of a savage fcan do savage things afterall..
Everyone is talking about fancy words like Hamas and Palestinians. No one is still ready to address their Religion - Islam and what it teaches them and how it played a role in these crimes. Hamas are just a symptom of a Greater disease.
Other than the fact that she would be the First Female President, I don't think she offers anything interesting or new.. Infact Bill Clinton was a better President than Hillary could ever be..
@BFKAnthony817 It's all about accepting different Ideas and being open to welcome new things into our culture. For example, us Indians adopted English pretty fast and now English is actually a National Language of our Nation and Constitution. However, Many Chinese (If not all) still have the "Us Chinese" and "Them Westerns" attitude which prevents them from learning English and they would rather speak Chinese and despise anything western.
@PrimaGymnast47 Won't stop it. Syria will fall anyway, The People want Freedom.
Because Trump cut off Aid to Pakistan. This is Pakistan's way of saying - "This is what you get for not Paying us aid". I suspect a 9/11 Styled Attack next, On any of the following Nations -> America, Germany, Russia or India.
@paksurzameen Still stay in Ignorance, Thinking Indians, Jews or West are bombing you when its your own people bombing the shit out of you. The Day Pakistan accepts that there are Terrorists within it's own Border, that is a day Pakistan will move forward to correct itself. India does not do Cross Border Terrorism unlike Pakistan which can't enter into a Conventional Warfare and resorts to Terrorism and Guerrilla Warfare tactics by it's Special Military Force - The Al Qaeda & Taliban.
JKendo7 China, India, Middle East, Japan, Iran, All were mostly abused by Western Powers for their own interests,
I don't think people are even allowed in Tibet, China BANS access to Foreign Journalists in Tibet to hide away the truth of Protests & unrest in Tibet. Go watch a video about how CNN Journalists sneak in to get a Glimpse of the situation of unrest and Mass Military cover all over Tibet. It's simple.. Tibetans are unhappy with Chinese occupation and want a Free Tibet, China is stupid, It can actually rid itself of it's bad image by granting Freedom to Tibet and be a respectful Nation.
@VanYYFan Throughout History, Cultures fade away, Religions fade away, Languages fade away, Countries fade away, Only one thing remains - Humility and Hamanity within us. Where are you heading with all this False Pride ? Nothing lasts forever, China will one day cease to exist, The U.S will one day cease to exist, India will cease to exist. Your thoughts are narrow minded and all you see is the brief timescale where your Nation remains a Superpower, However to me the whole world is one entity.
@VanYYFan Thanks for proving my point :) China still sees the world as two division, We Indians do not. We are looking forward to integrate into the Global Species that we call - Human beings.
Sad, Just shows the Poor quality of construction.
It's up to the People to decide what they want to watch. Decisions like these don't last long, When People have known what Freedom is, If you take it away from them, They will rebel, It has happened in History in every single Nation, It will happen again. Let the People be free and decide what they want to watch ! Screw any kind of Censorship anywhere in the world !
And then.. They took them to a Nearby Chinese Restaurant :P
@yummyymyummers I think the "One Child" rule doesn't apply in that case.
Violence for the sake of violence..
That's sad, I have many friends there, Hope they are safe :( RIP and take care, Love from India
@VanYYFan You live in a Brainwashed world where you view others as Superior and someone else as Inferior but i guess i can't blame you, That was how you were brought up. I consider every single being to be the same, Not a single Human on this planet superior or another inferior to another. I don't know what you are tying to imply by relating Language to Progress ? Does that mean India will progress if we learn Chinese ? You don't even make any sense.
@Iranenastooh Libya will have a Great Future like Japan, It will have a thriving Democracy and Foreign Companies will soon be setup creating more Jobs and Boost its Economy, Soon Libya will be the Greatest Nation in Africa. Every Country that Western Invaders have come to are now thriving Economies like Japan, India, Soon Afghanistan and Iraq. Modernization is the way to the future to all Countries, Not following Blind Dictators and staying in the Dark Ages.
Nice, Israel is the best !!!
Some people have been trying for the past 60 years, I would say tough luck, They only get their own Nations erased off the map one by one.. LOL
All the Abrahamic Religions are totally screwed up in their heads..
Islam is Peace.. When the Muslims are done killing or converting by force all the Non Believers, They begin to kill each other like they are already doing in many Islamic Nations. In the end there remains the "Peaceful Silence" when Mankind has wiped itself out because of its silly beliefs. This Silence that exists in the end of Humanity is the "Peace" they talk about.
It's under belly design looks funny..