Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on ""These Are Constitutionally Protected Forms Of Attire": Shashi Tharoor On Hijab Row" video.
Ban Burqa, Ban Hijab, Ban Niqab in Schools and Colleges all over India, We will never allow them in Educational Institutions. This is India, Not Afghanistan.
I support Complete ban on Hijab, Niqab and Burqa even in Public Places, Let the Muslim women dress in Indian Clothing like Saree, Salwar etc they are Indians, Not Arabs.. Why wear some stupid Oppresive Black Clothing that belongs to Arab Tribes in the Desert ? Burqa, Hijab, Niqab looks Ugly and belongs to Dark Ages of Ignorance.
Islam supposed to bring Golden Age of Knowledge, Light and Wisdom to People, Indian Muslim women should know better, Don't promote Dress Code of Taliban and ISIS. Throw away those Oppressive Shawls of Misery, Male Domination and Oppression and be Free - Promote an Islam which teaches Freedom, Modernism and Science !!!