Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "CNA Insider" channel.

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  19. We Hindus believes that "Non Violence" is the Ultimate Way of Living. However, Unlike Buddhists, We don't shun violence, Violence is a useful tool that is required to for Self Defense. We Hindus provided refuge for Christians fleeing Roman Persecution in 70 A.D, Zoroastrians fleein Arab Invasion in 630 A.D, Shia Muslims fleeing Sunni Persecution in 680 A.D, Sufi Muslims fleeing Turkic Persecution in 1200 A.D, Chinese people fleeing Mao's Cultural Revolution in 1930 A.D, Tibteans fleeing Chinese persecution in 1950 A.D, Afghans fleeing Taliban persecution in 2010 A.D. We Hindus have co-existed along all the above mentioned Groups, Peacefully for Thousands of years. You will find referenec of a Crusade in Euripean History, A Jihad in Islamic History, But never a Religious war in Indian History. However, Even we Hindus have Limits to our Patience and Tolerance. We will not tolerate Intolreant people who are trying to change our Nation and impose their way of Life on us. We are very Proud of our Religion, We will never tolerate Forced Conversions, Radicalism, Violence against our Community. Islam has a nature to be Violent, Aggresssiv and Supremacist. This is the reason Muslims always tend to clash with other Cultures. it is for Muslims to correct themselves and not point fingers at others. Despite having said all this, We hold no Hatred against Muslims, We Hindus always have a place for Musims and all other Religious Groups in our Hindu Homeland. But remember the Golden Rule - "You will be treated the same way you treat us. We will respect your Religion the same way it respects us". Respect and Tolerance cannot be a One Way Relationship.
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