Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "CNA Insider"
@salimhusain2814 The problem is for Muslims, Freedom starts with being Free from British. For Hindus, Freedom starts from being Free from Islamic Invaders.
You conviniently just like Leftists ignore Islamic Invasions on Hindu Homelalnd sincve 800 A.D by Arabs, Turks and Mughals. This is the starting point from where we should conside the Freedom Struggle.
And if you want to talk abotu that, Hindus ahave been the Greatesst Freedom Fighters, Dying to fight, To simply be Free in their own Homeland. We don't want to live under some Islamic Rule or Democracy (A System of Government forced by European Colonziers on Hindus). We want Hindu Nation just like Saudi, Turkey, Egypt, Libya or Indonesia are Muslim Countries with Muslim Leaders and Muslim Lifestyle and Muslim Government and Rules. Please note, This is not a New Idea, This is how it was before Islam even came to India. We want to go back to thos days where Ilslam did not exist in India.
We want HIndu Rashtra, Free from Islamic or European influence, But we welcome Muslims and Christians and everybody else to still continue to live in HIndu Rashtra, Peacefully as long as they accept that this Nation belong sto Majority Hindus and they get to decide how the Nation is run.
That's what some idiots said in 1947, Now look at how successful is Majority Hindu India and Majority Muslim Pakistan. Hindus owe no moral reponsibility to Muslims, Unlike Europeans who enslaved Africans and needed to accomodate Africans in their Nations, To make up for their Historical Injustices.
If anything, its the opposite, Hindus suffered under Islamic Invasions, Genocide and Persecutions on them for Centuries in their own Homeland. Yet, They have welcomed Muslims as equals. But if it had stopped here, No one wuld have had any Problem. Muslims continue to demand Special Rights and Hindus continue to suffer discrimination in their own Homeland in every single way - Be it Education, Economicl Disparity. Political Favors, Media Propaganda, Forced Assimilation, Falling Demographics, Intentional Cultural Genocide, Destruction of Temples, Taxing of Hindu Property, Govt interference in Hindu Affairs etc.
Now they are saying - "No more, Enouhg is enough, We will trash Secularism and adopt India as a HIndu Nation". Honestly, Who can blame them ? Their Nation, Their choice. Who the hell are we to question them ? Indian Constitution is not written by God, it is an agreemnt on Paper by majority. If deemed unfit, It can be torn to shreds and remade anytime, according to Modern day changes, That Majority would want revised !!!
We Hindus believes that "Non Violence" is the Ultimate Way of Living. However, Unlike Buddhists, We don't shun violence, Violence is a useful tool that is required to for Self Defense. We Hindus provided refuge for Christians fleeing Roman Persecution in 70 A.D, Zoroastrians fleein Arab Invasion in 630 A.D, Shia Muslims fleeing Sunni Persecution in 680 A.D, Sufi Muslims fleeing Turkic Persecution in 1200 A.D, Chinese people fleeing Mao's Cultural Revolution in 1930 A.D, Tibteans fleeing Chinese persecution in 1950 A.D, Afghans fleeing Taliban persecution in 2010 A.D.
We Hindus have co-existed along all the above mentioned Groups, Peacefully for Thousands of years. You will find referenec of a Crusade in Euripean History, A Jihad in Islamic History, But never a Religious war in Indian History. However, Even we Hindus have Limits to our Patience and Tolerance. We will not tolerate Intolreant people who are trying to change our Nation and impose their way of Life on us. We are very Proud of our Religion, We will never tolerate Forced Conversions, Radicalism, Violence against our Community.
Islam has a nature to be Violent, Aggresssiv and Supremacist. This is the reason Muslims always tend to clash with other Cultures. it is for Muslims to correct themselves and not point fingers at others. Despite having said all this, We hold no Hatred against Muslims, We Hindus always have a place for Musims and all other Religious Groups in our Hindu Homeland. But remember the Golden Rule - "You will be treated the same way you treat us. We will respect your Religion the same way it respects us". Respect and Tolerance cannot be a One Way Relationship.