Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "Gravitas Plus: The Shia-Sunni Divide: Understanding the split" video.
The 3 Female Goddesses of Ancient Arabs are still worshiped by Hindus even today. They are Al Lat (Lalita), Al Manata (Manata) & Al Uzha (Usha). Lalita, Manata and Usha are Female counterparts of 3 Primary Hindu Gods - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Lalita is Goddess of Wisdom, Manata is Goddess of Prosperity, Usha is Goddess of War.
The Greatest Hindu God is Shiva. The Primary God of Kaaba was Al Hubaal. Arrows were enchanted in front of Hubaal, A Hunter Diety. Hindu Legends depict Shiva as a Hunter and Master Archer, Hindu Warriors like Arjuna got enchanted Divine arrows by praying to Shiva. Allah is none other than Al Hubaal. Common things being Buraq (A Flying Winged beast) being extremely similar to Nandi, Shiva's Winged Bison which was also said to Fly a huge distance at the speed of Human thought (This resembles the Prophet's night journey on Buraq).
Shiva was Goddess of Death and Destuction, Also forgiver of Sins. Shiva is the Ancient and Eternal, Same goes for Allah. So one can't look away from the similarities between Shiva and Allah. Even the Zam Zam Islamic Water near Kaaba is a distortion of "Gan Ga", The Holy River that Flows eternally from Shiva's Hairlocks.