Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "Aero-India 2023: Largest-ever edition of Aero India inaugurated by Indian PM Modi | Latest | WION" video.

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  2. My Childhood under Previous Congress Govt : - Mud Roads, I still have Stiches on my Chin because I fell into a Ditch because of Unfinished Roadwork (Corrupt Govt) - 256 Kbps Dial-Up Modem Internet - Separatist Movements by Commies and Letist Nutjobs - Massive Incompatence in Bureacrecy at all Levels, It took 3 Months to book a simple Dial Phone after paying Bribes - Needed to pay Massive Bribes to Toll Booth Owners when you cross from one State border to another - Lawless Environemnt, Bandits and Dacoits during Night after 10 PM, used to Steal and Murder people - India used to get bullied by smaller neighbours like Bangladesh and Nepal - News of Weekly Scams and Massive Corruption Scandals amounting to 100s of Millions by the Previois Congres Govt - Terrorist Attacks every 2 Weeks in some city - Price of Vegetables used to be very high, It often took Rs 500 ($ 10) to buy a Week's Grocery at the Market - Communal Tensions across the Nation, My Home was pelted with stones in 1991 Bengaluru Riots Past 8 Years under Current Modi's BJP Government : - World Class Roads and Infrastructure (Still some work is due, I wont say everything is Great) - 300 Mbps Intenret, Already plans rolled out for 5G Network soon available for every Indian City - A United India, All Separatist and Communist Funded Movements crushed and obliterated - Effecient Services and Platforms, Today I get Grocery, Smart Phone or Medicine delivered to my Home within Minutes - Automated Digital Toll for Vehicles, There is no opportunity for Corruption - Very Peaceful Environment, I woke up one day to find my Front door not locked at all and one had come in - India today commands respect of its neighbours and can stand on its own Two Feet - The Current Govt under Modi is mostly Corruption Free ( 0 Corruption Scandals or Scams linked to the Govt since 9 years) - No more Terrorist Attacks on any Indian Cities - Price of Vegetables are quite affordable, It takes less than Rs 150 ($ 2) to buy a Week's Grocery and order them Online - All Communities today mostly live in Peace and Harmony, Communal Tensions are very rare These days, we are beginning to see the India we had always dreamed about.. Thanks Modi Ji !!!