Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "Hindu temple in Pakistan's Sindh attacked with rocket launchers | WION Dispatch" video.
We Hindus are to the Indian Subcontinent what Native Americans are to North America. In 1947, Our Hindu Homeland which was home to 7000 Years of Continious survivng Hindu Civilization that we Natives call "Bhaarat" was partitioned only and only because of Islam and Muslims, Not because of British.
While the Muslims ended up getting 2 Islaamic Nations - Pakistan and Bangladesh, We Hindu got nothing out of Partition other than 30 Million Muslim Refuges who refused to leave our Hindu Homeland and continue to abuse, mock and hate living with us.
We Hindus are the Greatet Fools in History, We lost our only Homeland to Foreign Occupation and allowed them to promote their Cults that preach Religious Supremacy and World Domination, while we Hindus and still being blamed as Oppressors and Aggressors in our own Homeland for simply defending our Culture, Identity and Way of Life.
( PS : 2.6 Billion Christians have 30+ Nations in Europe who proudly show-off Christian Crosses and Ensignia on their Flags. 1.6 Billion Muslims have over 50 Islamic Nations spanning 3 Continents, But when we Hindus demand India be declard a Hindu Nation in our Constitution, We are called Racist, Nazis, Bigots and Intolerant ).