Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "PM Modi Sends Delegation To Attend Ordination Of Kerala Priest As Cardinal In Vatican | WION" video.
Fun Fact : Christians have been living in India since 80 C.E (First wave of Christian Refugees who fled Roman Persecution). Back then, Achaemenid Persia had banned Christianity and their only possible refuge was India. Since then, India has been home to many sucessive waves of Chrsitians - Nazarite Christians, Armenian Christians, Syrian Christiansa and even Portugese Christians. They brought to India, fun and joyful celerbations like "The Carnival".
Hindu Kingdoms of Ancient times were very Tolerant and Pluralistic and welcomed all Christians. This is why despite 2 Centuries of British and Portugese Colonization, There is very little Anger or Animosity against Chrsitians in India. We Hindus never looked at Christians as "Outsiders", But "Our own People", The only thing we hate is the Missionaries who go around converting vulnerable tribals and the Poor, Please don't do that and everything else we are fine with it !!!
We Hindus and Christians are People who can benefit and learn from each other's Values, Culture and Mutual Respet, since Christianity has a lot of Great values and morals that are beeneficial to Humanity.