Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "New York Times is defaming India over it's covid-19 toll | Latest English News | WION" video.
I live in India, I'm certain that Hospitals here are taking into account the real numbers of Cases and Deaths, The Indian Govt infact made it a rule for Hospitals to upload Daily COVID Statistics on the Govt Website, To keep a tab on Cases and Deaths. India has nothing to hide. Even if they would like to Hide Statistics, The Opposition Parties here would never allow it, Becuse India is not a "One Party Govt" like in China, We have Multiple competative Political Parties at each other's throats, Free Uncensore Media and Freelance Journalism, So no one can afford to hide Statistics.
Whats happening here is India had extreme Lockdowns On and Off and Good Vaccination Awareness, for many months, resulting in Lower COVID deaths (Relative to Europe and America). This has probably struck a nerve up the ass of Politicians in America.
They are embarased how America despite having 5 times less Population as India has 5 times as many deaths. So they have to blame someone else and look good. They are trying to make India that scapegoat. That's whats happening..