Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "Indian EAM holds bilateral with Bhutan to strengthen the ties between the two nations | WION" video.
No Liberals, No Leftists, No Secularists, No Communists allowed to even step into Bhutan. They will be sent back where they came from, as soon as they start preaching the Bhutanese people about Politics or Religion in their own Homeland.
Why ? Because the Proud Bhutanese People reject any and all Foreign Religions, Western Ideologies like Sickularism, Democrazy on their Soil and are Unapologetic and Proud of their own Buddhist Religion, Culture, Leaders and proudly call themselves a Buddhist Nation.
And World accepts their Monarchy & Ruler - The King of Bhutan unconditionally, while forcing Democracy and Secularism only on foolish and submissive Hindus of India. No wonder, Bhutan called the Happiest Nation on the Planet - 0% Foreign Religions or Cultures in Bhutan, Only Natives !!!