Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "India: 5.9 million tonnes of Lithium deposits found in J&K | Latest News | World News | WION" video.
What do you mean take over ? Kashmir whcih gets its name from Hindu Sage - Kashyap, is mentioned as a territory of Ancient India (Bhaarat) in 3 of Holiest Hindu Scriptres - Mahabharata, Ramayanana and Vishnu Puran, All Predating birth of Prophet Muhammad by 1500 years.
Not just Kashmir, Even Pakistan (Sindhu, Ruled by Hindu King Jayadhrata), Afghanistan (Gandhara, Ruled by Hindu King Shakuni Deva), Eastern Iran (Kambhoja ruled by Hindu King Chandravarman) , Bangladesh (Vanga rueld by Hindu King Karna) were part of Ancienet India.
All these Former Hindu lands were lost to Brutal and Savage Islamic Invasions by Arabs and Turks over time. Modern day India is not the border of Ancient India, It was twice as big, Stretching from Afghansitan to Cambodia. This is why one can still see Bamian Buddha in Afghanistan and Angkor Wat (World's largest Hindu temple) in Cambodia.