Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "‘Unacceptable’: India rips UN official for criticizing Teesta Setalvad's arrest" video.
Every Islamic Naton in the world is ruled by a Dictator, Tyrant, Ayatullah or Sheikh. What do you call that ? Democracy ? Yet, people shamelessly accept it and don't go teaching Muslims how to be Secular or Democracy in their Islamic Nations. So why force this Wesern Garbage - Democracy and Secularim only on Hindus ? Because they are Weak ? Because they are Tolreant ?
Leave Hindus alone, Let them elect their Hindu leaders and create their Hindu Nation the way they want. Pakistan was created for Muslims only, Simialrly Hindustan should have been creataed for Hindus only. When no one lectures Egypt, Libya, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi, Turkey, Why only Hindus are held responsible to maintain Democracy and Secularism ? Why should India be a Secular country ? Why not a Hindu Rashtra ?