Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "Jaishankar tells Canada to act on anti-India Khalistan referendum; 'Freedom shouldn’t be…’" video.
its all a part of "Greater Game", The Cold war never ended. America is now against Russia and China and emerging India. And they will take whatever is available - Kashmir, Khalistan or N.E India to separate and create a New Nation there. Then, They follow the "Israel Model", Arm this New Nation with Nukes against India, China and Russia.
This is all Geo Politics, The West could care less about Human Rights or Freedom, They want to dominate Asia, Prevent Rise of India and China, And maintain Monopoly over Economy, Military and World Influence. That is the Grand Plan. For this, They Fund & Support Anti National elements in India, So they can topple Current Govt and install a "Puppet Regime", Through which they can control Indian's relations, Resources, Policies and Economy.