Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "Turkey thanks 'Dost' India for earthquake aid; IAF aircraft lands with relief and doctors in Adana" video.

  1. Fun Facts : Turkey might have adopted Hinduism in Ancient times - 1000 B.C or earlier. Hence, the Trojan war that supposedly happene sometime before 1500 B.C might have been the first recorded conflict between Greeks and Hindus. The Reliigon of Trojans is very similar to Hinduism, If you read Homer's Narration of Trojans. -> Their King's name was "Priam" (Sounds a lot like Sanskrit - "Priyam", We know how Greeks distorted foreing Names) -> They had 13 day Rituals for their Dead (Same as Hindus who follow the Ritual called "Pinda Dhana") -> They favoured Horse Chairots and Archers over anything else (Same as Ancient Indians) -> They even worshipped Horses, hence the infamous "Trojan Horse" Story (Same as Rig Veda Hindus) -> They constructed Sun God Temples (Sun Temples found everywhere in India from Surya Martanda in Kashmir to Konark Sun Tmeple in Orissa) -> Trojans were known for their Finest Archers (Archery was the Greatest of Skill in Ancient India Turkey must look into their Past and recognize their Common History. You see many people will call this Comment Nationalistic or Exaggerated, Because they can't imagine how Ancient India could influence Turkey, But they don't realize Ancient India did not have Modern day Indian Borders creatd by the British. Ancient India's Borders once extended till Western Iran and Hindu Epic - Mahabharata mentions of Dead Sea in Middle East as "The Salty Sea", Where Hindu God - Krishna's relatives once setup a Campsite after their Wars, Before they were mutinied. Ancient Indian Influence is found even in Iran. In-fact Ancient Indian Figures were mostly born in modern day Iran. Famous HIndu Astrologers like Garga Muni was born in Iran and iran still has city called "Garga". Our Hindu Epics speak of our Heroes burning down a Forest called Khandava, Iran still has Forests named "Khandava" to this day. These are just isolatd examples, If one looks into it and researches the commonalities between India, Iran and Turkey, You will find more such things from History.
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