Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "'Why is world silent?': Oman Grand Mufti targets India over 'tragedy' of Muslims | Details" video.

  1. "Give them an Inch and they take a Mile" is rather an Under-statment for a Particular Community. I say this not to offend anyone but to expose the apparent "Increasingly unraelistic" demands by this Community wherever they live, Taking for granted the Law of the Land and thinking that they deserve "Special Treatment". India hs no reason to accomodate this Community after Partiiton in 1947, Which was particular based on "Religious Grounds". There is absolutely no reason for us Hindus to be Secular and sacrifice our claim on Bhaarat as a Hindu Nation, Just to accomodate Minorities and make them feel safe. This is akin to asking Westerners to stop calling their Nations - "Developed Nations" just to make the "Developing Nations" feel Good about themselves. Despite the Parititon of Bhaarat (Ancient Hindu Homeland) on Religious Grounds, We Hindus gave up our Histotical claims over Hindu Nation and chose to remain Secular. We could have demanded "Special Rights" for Hindus and "Complete Ban" of Foriegn Religions whose Teachings directly influenced Centuries of Persecutions and Massacres on our Hindu Ancestors, but we did not do this. We gave uo our Happiness so you can be happy and we can all be equal !!! But if certain Minoritise in our Nation are still not happy, What was the point of Secularism and Minority Appeasing Laws in the first place ? Is there a surprise why Hindu Nationalism is on the rise across India today ? We Hindus are not blind and stupid, We see what is happening to Hindus and other Minorities in Islamnic Naitoons around the woirld. We certainly dont want our future generations to suffer Gross mistreatment, Human Rights Abuse and Cultural and Demographical change in their own Homeland. This is the reason we Hindus demand India to be decalerd into a Hindu Nation. You can't save the cake called Paksitan and eat another cake called India too. We will never let that happen. If 2 Billion Muslims get to have 60 Islamic Nations across 3 Continents, How Is it even wrong for 1 Billion Hindus to ask for India to be made into a Hindu Nation to safeguard future of our Civilizaiton, Culture and Demographics ?