Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "‘Destructive’: Indian officer counters Rahul Gandhi's 'India not a nation' theory at Cambridge event" video.

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  7. India is diverse because its Original Inhabitants accepted and welcomed Diversity. Haryana and Nagaland can be included in Bhaarat, If you have read "Mahabharat" - They were called "Kurukshetra" and "Naga Lok" in the Epic. Not just this, You will get to know the Hero Arjuna's Adventure in the North Eastern States where he meets Naga Princess Ulupi and has a Son with her. Thus, Nagaland was the Land of Naga Tribes mentioned in Mahabharat, Which eventually was still considered a part of Bhaarat in Ancient times. Every Naton is associated with Mythology if you think about it. Japanese are Proud of their Mythology where First Fishermen Couple - Iazanagi and Izanami created the Islands of Japan with a Spear, They named their first Child - Jomon. Jomon became Nippin which becamee Japan. Similarly, India gets its name from Bharata, The Son of Dushyanta, A Descendant of Hindu God King - Ram, Mentioned in Hindu Epics. It also goes on to clearly descibe the Geographic Boundaries of Bhaarat - The Land beginning from the Sindhu River in the West, Stretching out to Himalayas in the North, That extends till the Neela Samudra (Indian Ocean) in the South. With such clear definitions, It is hard to ignore the Ancient definitions of our Nation. The only reason we are even debating this Topic is because of Hindus being unfortunate victims of Foreign Invaders - Europooans and Muslims, otherwise this Entire Nation would have been called a Hindu Nation casually, Just like we say - Buddhist Nation of Sri Lanka or Chrisitian Nation of Spain or Islamic Nation of Qatar. I don;t see any Arabs debating Secularism and Definition of their Natons there. Why only Hindus are made ot carry the Burden of Secularism and Dis-associate with their Proud History, Kings, Mytho0lgoy and Religion ?