Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "Ahead of G20, How India u0026 The World Perceive Modi Govt | Pew Research Details" video.
The Global Leftists and Libreals promote - One Humanity, One world, One Nation theory. According to this theory, Humanity should unite into One World Government and all borders vanished so all Races can intermingle. To promote this ridiculous dream, The Leftists tend to supprot the Minorities all across the world against Majorirty.
I am highly skeptical of this idea, Why should we unite as one ? We are separate races, We are Diverse, We have our own Culture, CIvilization and History. If you look at this from Abrahamic Point of view, It soudn just like "One God" Fanaticism by Monotheists.
I reckon there is no need for World to unite. Let us all live separately as different Nations and Civilization, Even for Centuries and Thouisand sof years. If all Humans intermingle, Let it happen naturally, We should never force it. Leftists try to force this Idea on everyone, This is why they promote Illegal Immgiration, Religioius Fanatics and cause Anarchy, Lawlessness and Disorder around the world, By de-stabilizing Native Cultures and People.