Hindu Rashtra
Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "'If the Congress had supported u0026 maintained confidence of Dalits, backwards, RSS would not have won'" video.
OMG, i can't believe this. He is talking about "Critical Race Theory", And same White Privelage context in Indian Context. This will never work, Because India is not America. Gora people here did not bring "Kala" people from another Continent in "Chains" and enslave them and own them as slaves. In-fact, Most of Ancient Hindu Kings were "Kala" Log.
From Rama to Krishna, They were all "Kala" Log. This whole "Gora - Kala" Bussines is American Concept invented by American Woke people who were sick of "White Supremacy" and Race Politic. Don't apply your American Race Politics here. Caste Discrimination in Ancinet India did not even exist, It evoled later with influence of foreign invaders. It had nothing to do with Skin color.
For the betterment of Congress Party, I have one advise for Rahul Gandhi - "Learn from American Election Results". This Woke Leftist "Racial Divide" based on Skin Color, was rejected by ALL American people. What makes you think it will work here in Bhaarat ? BJP is working to unite Nation and promote "Bharatiya Identity", while this Loser and his Party are hoping to divide the People, create hatred between them and play politics on Skin Color and Caste Divisions.