Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "How Tamil Nadu is waging a new North-South clash of civilisations— From Sivagalai to Keezhadi" video.

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  4.  @vasanthkumar4983  Iran was part of Ancinet Bharatavarsh you fool ! Ancient Indian borders were not modern Indian borders. In-fact go ask Turkey, Their Kings are given title - Tusharatta (After Dasharatha). Was Rama Turkish ? LOL..have some self respect towards your own Culture !!! Iran was called Kambhoja, The Kambhoja were cousins of the "Bhoja" clan, who ruled North India in Ancinet times. The Kambhoja are mentioned in Mahabharata as part ofAryavarta (Land of Civilized People, Even Pandyas and Andhras are mentioned). This is why people liek yo should first read our Religiopus scripture before talking nonsense. Iranian Kings held the title - Shah, Derived from Sanskrit "Ksha-trriya". Iran Kings held the Title - "Kambuziya", Further proving my point. Not just this, The National Flower of Iran is guess what ? The Lotus, Just like ours !!! Mountains like Mount Damavan and River Oxus (Chakshushu) in Northern Persia are mentioned in Hindu Epics. Irnaian history is part of our History, The so called Achaemenid Empire is spelt - "Yaksha Manusha" (Yaksha People), Who are AGAIN mentioend in Mahabharata !!! There is not a single Historical Proof of any race of people called Aryans, it is all a Concocted myth by Brirtish to divide North and South. WIth what confidence i tell this ? Becvause the British played the same game in Africa too !!! The Hutu-Tutsi conflict in Rwanda and the division of Nigeria into ethnic regions were results of the same "Divde and Rule" policy. These artificial divisions still cause instability in Africa today.
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