Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "What made Rajaraja Chola the richest man on Earth" video.
The Problem with Indian Leftists and Liberals is they only see Success in Wealth and Territory conquered as mark of a Great King. This shows the disconnect with our History and Culture, Who cares how rich our Ancient Kings were ? That is not importnat, We are more Proud of their Wisdom, Temples they built and Culture they left behind.
This is why to an Indian Leftist, Ashoka and Akbar are Great. They are symbols of Wealth, Territory and People that they FORCED to obey them. They don't care about their character and destruction of Culture or Humanity by these same Kings.
Meanwhile,many actially Great Kings like Lalitaditya Muktapeeda of Kashmir, Shree Krishna Devaraya of Vijayangara and Shivaji Maharaj of Marathas were completely ignored as "Petty Local Rulers" with their small territories. This mindset needs to change, a King ought to be measures by the Culture he/she left behind, Morals he/she preached and People who geninely loved them, Without being forced to do so !!!