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Hindu Rashtra
NewsX Live
Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "NewsX Live" channel.
"Let all Noble thougts and Wisdom come to us from all Corners of the World" - Rig Veda 1.89.1
India also needs a Protest againt Reservations and Quotas.
The word Dravida can first be found by Shankaracharya to describe "Tra-Veeda" (Land of 3 Rivers - Kaveri, Krishna and Narmada), It simply means Land between 3 Rivers, Referring to Southern India. It has nothing to do with any Race. No idea where you got this Mis-infomation from. All Tamils are the same race as rest of Indians. Cholas were proud Sanatanis and proud of their Ikshavaku lineage, Ikshavaki was a Descendant of Shree Ram. This means North and South Indians are cousins of the same Race.
Stalin is nice name for a Street Dog.
Must be Rahul Gandhi's supporters..
Its really Muhammad Bin Tughlaq Rak.. They themselves don't know what they are doing.. 😂
Why not ? He is a Role-model Emperor for the world !
Shame on Indian Govt, How can we stand this insult and not do anything ? 😠 You dont have to be Sikh to be Proud of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, He expenaded Indian territory to Afghanistan. He was one of the Greatest Indian Kings, under whose rule all Communities lived in peace and co-existence.
Let's wait and see on June 4th
@spaghettirus1229 Minorities in India are in better situation than Majrity HIndus. Most Muslims I know are Rich, Successful and Own Big Bussiness like Grocery Shops and Hotels.
Get ready to join him soon.
Then why free Terrorists from Jails that were imprisoned during Shekha Hassina regime ?
This is a Shameful and Regressive move in my opinion.. Why are we making our Children subservient to their Parents ? Next Govt will say Adults should get permisison from Parents to marry ? This will mean Children must shut up and listen to their Parents, Not good. A Free and Creaive mind doesn't develop in our children, If we are constantly baby-sitting them and controlling them. Good Parenting is about teaching your Children basic values and allowing them to be Free and Develop their own Personality, Not controlling every aspect of them and moulding them.
"The Communist Party of India (CPI) is not Indian. The Communist Party of India has a foreign master.". Guess who said this ? RSS ? BJP ? Modi ? No.. It was Jawaharlal Nehru himself !!! He observed the actions of these Indian Communist Traitors during 1962 India - China, When CPI Leaders were cheering for China to win the war and Invade India so "Communist Ideology" would prevail. Today Nehru's shameles descendants (Rahul Gadhi) have allied with the same CPI and are aiding India's enemies by stopping all Important Projects just to benefit China, Nehru would be rolling in his Grave.
This is NOTan Exit Poll, Its a "Leftist Poll"
Stop spreading lies. What happening in Manipur is Tribal Conflict over Land and Political Dispute, It has nothing to do with Religion. Having said that, We Hindus unconditionally condemn any and all attacks of Churches and any other Religious Places in India.
Shut up Wumao. We know China is behind Kuki Militancy. You can't divert the Truth.
Shut up Wumao, We know China is behind this !
Bangladesh Muslims won't tolerate Saffron Flag in their country. By same Logic, We should not tolerate any Green Islamic Flag in our country.
@furiousfade4ever211 There are 60+ Islamic Nations in the world, Some 5 of them right next door to India. However, no HIndu Nation in the world. India is supposed to be 'Secular".
First of all, How can Govt dictate Working Hours for Private Companies ? I don't understand.
Muhammad Bin Tughlaq Raj under Siddaramullah.
Siddaramulah Channagi Lancha Togondir beku IT Conpanies gala inda..
I bet they have taken bribes from IT Companies to enforce this.
Even Britain's "Bob Blackman" also speaking about Hindu Pesecution in Bangladesh.. When will India's "Rahul Whiteman" speak about this ?
Modi wants to transform India into having Infrastructure and Cities like in Japan and Korea in the next 15 years.
@jayakumardubbala BJP Mukt bhaarat means India becomes Pakistan you Fool.
Still these people tell us its - Political Rebellion. No, Its Islamic Revoliton that is intentioanlly targetting Hindus because they are Hindus, no other reason.
Who said ? I'm nepali, we Love India !!!
Whcih part of wat she said is wrong ? Your own Bangladeshi Media has said more han 2000 Attacks on Minorities including Hindus in past 1 month. That's just 1 month !!!
Its Hilarious to see a Liar deny everything. I though Islan teaches Muslims not to Lie ?
Stop paying attention to Flop Grandpas who bought their own awards, shamelessly.
Warning : Averge Sotuth Indian has no wish to separate. This is an Agenda by Congress Bastards that has come up recently, JOoining hands with Pakistan and God knows who else - George Soros mabe ? This is just another reason I request everybody to vote for BJP in this National electiosn and kick out these Congersss and Nehru's stray Dogs.
@Warlord25 Shut up, He is indian. That's all that matters.
America is simply using Germany as their Puppet and making them talk their words.. -> Germany comes in defense of AAP and Kejriwal -> AAP IT Cell propagandist - Dhruv Rathee based in Germany -> America has Military and Nuclear bases in Germany -> Wikileaks exposed that American Deep State is funding a Political Party in India Put all these things together and then the truth comes out..
Yup, American is using Germant as Puppet to make them talk.
Dear Hindus, Please stop Voting for Congress Party and INDI Alliane Traitors and Muslim appeasers or one day this will be fate of India, in next 20 years...
Ban Sunni and Wahaabi Islam !!! Shia, Sufi and Ahmadhi Muslims are more Peaceful and integrate perfectly into our Society.
@silverfox5488 Osama Bin Laden died like the dog he was, Good reddens. It was confirmed that it was him because U.S took a sample of DNA from his son and it matched his, It really was Osama bin Laden whether you believer it or not.
This must be the first time i have heard our Prime Minister speak and not read out of a piece of paper..
Manipur belongs to India, Who are yoy to comment on our internal issues ? Persecution of Hindus is against Basic Human Rights. Stop attacking Hidus and Hindu temples in Bangladesh !!
Bangladesh will resort to Mischief with India, very soon. Why ? Because Yunus has a Job - Proving himelf as a useful "asset" to Pakistan and America. If they prove they are capable of threatening India on some level, They get Funds from their masters. Their Future depends on it.. So expect a lot of trouble from them very soon.. Terror Attacks, Cross Border attacks and such activities..
When Congress Govt called for Meeting yesterday, We undersfand it is something serious.
Congrss party never changes.. These people got slapped on face so hard in Maharashtra, They should be emabrassed to open their mouths. Instead, they speak as if nothing happened. Take lessons, Maharashtra elections will repeat Nationwide in 2029.
These same people have given Magsaysay awards to Leftist Indians like Ravessh Kumar and Arvind Kejriwal and Noble Prize to 2 Islamist terrorist Leaders - Muhammad Yunus and Yasser Araft, a Man who openly promoted Palestinian Terrorists..
Indian Army can capture all of Bangladesh in 3 Hours in a Military Operation if all - Ground, Air and Naval Forces are deployed. But why would we ? There is nothing significant in that Sewage of a Failed Islamist Nation except Filth, Terrorists and Slums.
Who are you kidding ? MM SIngh's daughter works as Vice Chairman of Open Society Foundatiom - Funded by George OSros. Congress party will soon be exposed, Not with rumours but with Proof. Just wait a few weeks..
Just wait 2 months.. Truth will come out after Trump comes to Power in Feb 2025. Trump has promised to fight against American Deep State, He is direct enemy of George Soros and has personally mentioned him in his Speeches. Whenever Congress is caught with a Scam or Illegal Involvement, They have a habit of starting "Nation-wide Riots". So expect a Huge Riot / Protest soon, This time they will be even more desperate to carry out a "Bangladesh-like" Riots to topple Modi Govt, Because they are in a do-or-die situation now or risk getting exposed !
Real Purpose is not to give lecture but to get "Funds" for next "Shaheen Bagh", Before elections which is in 1 Month, From Anti Indian elements.
There is no Caste System in Foreign Countries where Hinduism exists, Such as Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia etc. What doe that tell you ? Hinduism spread here during 3 - 9th century C.E, During the reign of Cholas. This means, Caste originated after this period, probably came during the Islamic Invasions. We all know Islam legalizes Slavery and Arabs and Turks were transporting Africans in Million as Slaves. Don't believe me ? Go read Chinese Pilgrims like Hieun Tsang, He mentions nothing about Castes, Just a Classification of Society in various Professions.